- Yunan Shidian 云南施甸
- YuNan Provincial Animal Husbandry Bureau. 如:云南省畜牧局。
- Yunan Hua Red Natural Stone Material Development Co., Ltd. 云南砉红天然石材开发有限公司。
- Be responsible for Yunan, Guizhou province. Locate in Kunming. 负责云南、贵州地区,工作地在昆明。
- Venue: "Lost Heaven Yunan folk Cuisine" on 38 Gaoyou Rd. 地点:"花马天堂"高邮路38号(湖南路和复兴西路中间)
- Exploitation and Innovation of Biological Resources in Yunan Province. 云南生物资源开发创新问题研究。
- Hehe,Yunan Chu Xiong who appears in the first page is my countrymen! 呵呵;第一页上有云南楚雄的.;是我同乡哦!
- Yunan "Leather-silhouette show" is a kind of "shadow show" similar to both folk songs and opera. 摘要豫南“皮摔”由于受当地山歌、灯歌、民间小调的影响,它的唱腔音乐具有像南乡土风味。
- April 15,2006 Yulong lijiang,Yunan,The thick smoke went up to the sky straightly above the burning forest. 2006年4月15日,云南省丽江市玉龙县,大火燃烧的森林上空,浓烟直冲云霄。
- Due to some collinear risk factor,the occupational lung cancer rate is high in Yunan Tin Cooperation(YTC). 云南锡业公司是世界知名的职业性肺癌高发地区,其主要危险因素间存在较强的共线关系。
- The paper introduces the research of mineral processing test of somewhere's low-grade ferromanganese ore in Yunan. 本文主要针对云南某铁锰矿的贫矿进行了选矿试验研究,并与该矿的富矿的选别效果进行了对比。
- Kunming is the capital city of Yunan provice,located in southwest of middle part of Yunnan-Kweichow Plateau. 昆明辖四区八县,总面积15,561平方公里,总人口370万,居住着26个民族。
- "Fragrant roast fish" is cooked using Yunan Dai Minority's way to put special caraway inside fish's belly. 香草烤鱼按云南傣家菜的做法,在烤制时鱼腹中填入特别的香菜。
- The Blang people in Shidian County believe in animism.Their polytheism is the product of both the material life of their society and their subjective consciousness as an ethnic group. 摘要施甸布朗族信仰万物有灵,其多神崇拜是一定社会物质生活条件和民族主观意识共同作用的产物。
- It is this very uneven, so that the supernatant Shenzhen drink team reduced to avoid relegation fight for the team Yunan. 正是这种极不平衡的数据,令深圳上清饮队沦落到了为保级而战的鱼腩球队。
- Objective To understand the actual status of malaria infection and missing reported malaria cases in Ximeng County, Yunan Province. 目的了解西盟县的疟疾发病实情和漏报程度。
- For a simple music ideal, a group of people formidably went to Yunan and other minority places to collect songs and the head was Leehom. 为了一个单纯的音乐理想,一群人浩浩荡荡地开赴云南等少数民族地区采风,为首的正是王力宏。
- The model was applied to calculate experimentally the total air pollutant emission for Hongta District, Yuxi City of Yunan Province. 采用该模型对云南省玉溪市红塔区大气污染物总量进行了实验性计算,取得了较好的效果。
- The concentrate from a Yunan high sulfur iron ore has a sulfur content that exceeds that specified in the standard due to the pyrrhotite. 云南某高硫铁矿石因含磁黄铁矿而造成精矿含硫超标。
- QualityLocation: Qujing, Yunan, China. II. Areas of Responsibility...Coordinate between the partner, GM China and GMAP Quality... 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:100-499人经验要求:10年以上最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历