- As for the traditional national culture, I wonder which poetry writing you are the best at, the Tang poem, the Song ci or the Yuan Qu. 丙:说到传统民族文化,我倒想问问你,在我们所学的唐诗、词、曲中你对哪种最拿手啊?
- An exploration on Yuan Qu in Da Du City 大都城元曲探源
- The date of birth and death of Qu Yuan is unknown. 屈原的生卒年月不详。
- Qu Yuan is a historical play written by Guo Moruo. 《屈原》是郭沫若写的一部历史剧。
- There was a great poet China, Qu Yuan by name. 中国有个伟大的诗人,名叫屈原。
- Qu Yuan is also remembered on this day. 也在这一天纪念屈原。
- The Festival honors the great poet, Qu Yuan. 端午节是纪念伟大诗人屈原的。
- As a politician, Qu Yuan has his own law thought. 摘要作为政冶家的屈原有自已的法律思想。
- To Qu Yuan, that is a flower of the universe. 在屈原的眼里,那是宇宙中的一朵花)。”
- He needed ten yuan to settle up this bill. 他需要十块钱来付清这一帐单。
- Later people drink yellow wine to worship Qu Yuan. 后来人们喝黄酒来表达对屈原的爱戴之情。
- Qu Yuan lebte von 340 v.Chr. bis 278 v. 屈原于公元前340年出生在战国时期的楚国,死于公元前278年。
- There was a great poet China,Qu Yuan by name. 中国有个伟大的诗人,名叫屈原。
- How much of that forty yuan have you left? 40块钱用得还剩多少了?
- The annual premium on my policy is 3000 yuan. 我的保险单每年的保险费是三千元。
- Line off the fen, jiao and yuan. 将分、角和元分行记下。
- These apples cost five yuan per kilogram. 这些苹果每公斤五元。
- Pay back the5,000 Yuan I loan you by today. 我借给你的5,000元,今天还我吧。
- He bought a second hand bike good for 80 yuan. 他买了一辆值80元的二手自行车。
- He drew out200 yuan to pay for the television set. 他为支付电视机款而取出二百元存款。