- You can put it on my Visa card. The number is 409 6237. 你可以记在我的信用卡上,号码是: 409 6237。
- You can but it on my visa card and the number is: JK:4096237. 你可记在我的签证卡上,号码是:JK:4096237。
- You can but it on my visa card the number is: kj: 409 6237. 你可记在我的签证卡上。号码是:kj:409 6237。
- You can note it on my visa card. The number is: JK: 409 6237. 你可记在我的签证卡上。号码是: JK: 4096237。
- You can but it on my visa card. The number is: kj: 409 6237. 你可记在我的签证卡上。号码是:kJ:409 6237。
- New Kit:Invoice Lotto. You can put it on your website to provide fulness information. 新增小工具:统一发票中奖号码。您可以放在自己的网站上,提供更多元的资讯。
- So we can put it to bed and you can focus on your work. 这样你就能安心的做好你的工作。
- Surely you can put it off one more week. 你当然可以再推迟一周。
- You can put it wherever you like. 你可以把书放在你随便想放的地方。
- You can put it anywhere, I'll find the right place later. 放哪儿都行,我过后会再给它找个合适的地方的。
- He's not a man you can put much dependence on. 他不是值得你信赖的人。
- You can see for yourself on my business card. 自己看名片吧。
- MULDER: Why? So you can put it down in your little report? I don't think you're ready for what I think. 为什么?那么你好把它放进你的小报告?我不认为你已经准备好接受我所想的。
- If you can get there and you can deflect it, well, you can put it where you want to. 如果我们能实现偏转小行星,我们就能把它放到想放的任何地方。
- "You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. “即使你给一头猪涂上口红,但它还是一头猪。”
- I will give you until tomorrow to chew on my offer; you can take it or leave it. 我的提议你可以仔细考虑到明天,或取或舍随你便。
- You can put in a claim for the broken furniture. 你可以就损坏的家俱提出赔偿要求。
- You can put the lunch down to my account. 把这顿午餐记在我的帐上。
- You can relax on my bed if you like. 如果你愿意,可以到我的床上休息一下。
- You can put that idea into mothballs and forget it. 你可以摈弃那种想法并把它忘掉。