- Yoshida Teruji 吉田暎二(1901-72),日本人,美术学专家。
- Murase T, Tada K, Yoshida T, Moritomo H. 陈文,王体沛,邢敦凯,等。
- "Yoshida" checked with Sato, who thought this might work. “吉田”征求了佐藤的意见,佐藤认为这个办法也许可行。
- Yoshida san: I think that Japanese CG is probably more limited in scope than western CG animation. 我认为日本动画在设计的范围上比西方动画更有限。
- They are Yoshida Tatsuya, Tsuyama Atsushi, Kawabata Makoto, Chinese music fans are familiar with them. 所有的声音都在我们周围的各个角落存在着,而我就仅仅是发现声音,并在人们面前表演出来。
- Sachiko and Yoshida are newlyweds, and have just moved into a newly-constructed apartment with completely white rooms. 早智子和吉田是新婚佳偶,他们搬入一栋新修建及拥有白色房间的公寓居住。
- Yoshida founded the Ministry for International Trade and Industry, MITI, whose bureaucrats were famously powerful. 鸠山创立了国际贸易工业部,MITI,其下官僚势力极为严重。
- MINORU Yoshida,OSAMU Tada,HASHIME Joe.Programming of the Engine Control Unit by the C Language[C].SAE Paper 960047. 汤子瀛,杨成忠.;计算机操作系统[M]
- Taro Aso's grandfather, Shigeru Yoshida, and father-in-law, Zenko Suzuki, were both Prime Ministers of Japan. 麻生太郎的外祖父吉田茂和岳父铃木善幸都出任过日本首相。
- Yoshida, Kathleen Burke (2000).Avoiding Typeface Terrors.STC 47th Annual Conference, STC Proceedings. 朗文多功能分类辞典,(张信威译),香港:朗文出版社。
- Yoshida's rule came to an end in 1954 when he was unseated as prime minister by his nemesis, Ichiro Hatoyama. 1954年,吉田茂下野,结束执政,其死对头鸠山一郎当政。
- Yoshida says the flat panel display business is key to JSR's business strategy . 吉田说,纯平显示器将是决定JSR公司经营策略的关键。
- Yoshida san: The language barrier can be quite tough, so gaining ability to understand Japanese is highly recommendable. 语言是个很棘手的障碍,强烈建议学好日语。
- Official site finally provides information about this Lavender rabbit family, they are from Yoshida Toy Shop, Hokkaido. So kawaii ne!! 终于有薰衣草兔家族官方的消啦;原来佢地黎自北海道的吉田玩具店.;真可爱;大家睇下!!
- Yoshida's groundbreaking film portrayed real social issues in an unromantic light, and paved the way for all the cinematic "roughs" to come. 片末火车站送别一场,在家和社会之间,吉田喜重作出了左翼的选择。
- Ijima, T., Yamamoto, T. and Yoshida, A., “Dynamics of elastically moored floatinf objects,” Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 2, NO. 2, pp. 85-92, 1980. 钱中弘,浮码头的运动行为分析,国立海洋大学河海工程学系硕士班硕士论文,1999。
- Submergence creates a unique environment for rice growth and nutrition and increases availability of nutrients (Shouichi Yoshida 1981). 淹水条件创造出水稻生长、养分和提高养分有效性的独特环境(ShouichiYoshida,1981)。
- A monthly menu is prepared in advance by the school's qualified nutritionist, Miss Yoshida, and sent home with every child. 通过资格认证的学校营养师吉田小姐负责制作每个月的菜单,然后由每位学生带回家。
- The house where Yoshida met with foreign leaders while in office was gutted in a morning fire police suspect was caused by a short circuit. 据悉,这处位于神奈川县小田原市大矶町的故居建于1884年,占地面积3.;3万平方米,主要用于会见外国客人。
- Family honour is demanding its due: for Shigeru Yoshida's grandson, it is nobler to fall to Ichiro Hatoyama's descendant than to succumb to mere LDP hoplites. 家族荣誉正在发挥作用:对于吉田茂先生的孙子来说,输给鸠山一郎的孙子比输给LDP的一些小罗罗们体面的多。