- Yoshida Minoru 吉田登(1912-),日本人,实业家。
- They explored this desert region in 1923. 他们於一九二三年在这荒漠地区探险。
- MINORU Yoshida,OSAMU Tada,HASHIME Joe.Programming of the Engine Control Unit by the C Language[C].SAE Paper 960047. 汤子瀛,杨成忠.;计算机操作系统[M]
- In the 1923 decision United States v. 1923年,在United States v.
- Coco Chanel's perfume was launched in 1923. 香奈尔的香水1923年投入市
- Murase T, Tada K, Yoshida T, Moritomo H. 陈文,王体沛,邢敦凯,等。
- Novo Nordisk has a long history since 1923. 诺和诺德的历史最早可追溯至1923年。
- Duke Ellington moved to New York City in 1923. 1923年,艾灵顿公爵搬到纽约市,
- "Yoshida" checked with Sato, who thought this might work. “吉田”征求了佐藤的意见,佐藤认为这个办法也许可行。
- He shared a 1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin. 他因发现胰岛素获得1923年诺贝尔奖。
- The play was given its first performance in June 1923. 这剧於19236月首次公演.
- Calvin?Coolidge became the American president in 1923. 卡尔文?柯立芝于1923年登上了美国总统宝座。
- Of 1923 surgeries,22 accidental vison loss happened. 1923例(1923眼)眼眶肿瘤摘除手术;22例发生意外视力丧失;占全部病例的1.;14%25。
- But in 1923 a startling new kind of reading was discovered. 但在1923年,有了一个惊人的新发现。
- The earliest museum of skiing was founded in Oslo, Norway, in 1923. 最早的滑雪博物馆:是1923年在挪威的奥斯陆建立的。
- Denise Levertov was born in Ilford, Essex, England in 1923. 德妮丝?勒富尔托夫1923年出生于英格兰埃塞克斯郡的尤佛德区。
- Then, in 1923 he was appointed the fourteenth Trongsa Penlop. T然后,在1923年他被任命为第14世重桑佩罗,也就是王储 。
- In 1923 Memel became part of Lithuania and was renamed Klaipeda. 1923年归立陶宛,改称今名,经扩建后成为重要贸易港口。
- Civil war raged in China when my mother was born in 1923. 母亲生于1923年,当时中国正被内战吞没。
- ITW Automotive Fasteners business started from 1923. ITW集团汽车紧固件业务始于1923年,通过不断创新,目前有5000多项专利,拥有大量的著名品牌。