- Yinxian Tongfeibao 岩白菜素
- Qi Zhengwu(1932.4), biochemist, born in Yinxian, Ningbo, became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 1999. 1932年4月生,宁波鄞县人。生物化学家。1999年当选为中国科学院院士。
- Similarly skinhead Yangxian and walked barefoot Yinxian, at least one note before the close of the absolute superiority, the next day to the possibility of great advantage. 与此类似的是光头阳线和光脚阴线,至少说明了收市前一方占了绝对优势,第二天继续占优的可能性极大。
- In short, Yinxian carved by the Boshi Wa-made rock paintings and stone inscriptions, many portraits, grand picture, the Picture, is so far Cliff stone portraits of rare. 总之,用阴线刻造的博什瓦黑石刻岩画,画像众多,画面宏伟,画幅之大,是迄今摩崖石刻画像中少见的。
- Yinxian County Longguan Shenli Tool Plant The plant has been engaged for decades in the manufacture of carbidetipped eledtric hammer drills and woodworking tools. 本厂是以制造各类硬质合金电锤钻头、硬质合金木工刀具的专业企业。
- Around it are rock-out temples such as Huaxiang Rock, Lingxu Rock and Yinxian Rock, all of which are the stone buildings with important historical value. 周围还有华阳岩、凌虚岩、隐仙岩等岩庙,均为石建筑,具有重要的历史研究价值。
- In this Nongyin, Yinxian one has abandoned houses, gardens Utah, and is said to be one of the two brothers at the same time Dengke Xianling of the Mansion, as贵人of living, stillXiangren by the relish. 在此浓荫中,隐现一座已废置的民居,庭园犹好,据说是一家二兄弟同时登科任县令之古宅,视为贵人居住之地,至今仍为乡人所津津乐道。
- In the Tang dynasty the production of Yue-ware celadon was concentrated in ZheJiang province, centering on the "GongYao" kilns at ShangLinHu in CiXi and neighbouring kilns at YinXian and ShaoXing. 浙江慈溪、鄞县、绍兴等地是唐代越窑瓷器的主要产地,以慈溪上林湖“贡窑”为中心。
- Distribution features of grain size of Yinxian stream sediments in Dali Basin 大理盆地隐仙溪河道沉积物粒度分布特征
- Study on Accidental Injuries of Pupils and Students in Primary and Middle Schools in Yinxian County, Zhejiang 鄞县中小学生意外伤害研究