- The development of Korea's poetical theories witnesses their zenith in the Yi Dynasty. 朝鲜王朝是朝鲜历史上诗歌理论发展的顶峰时期。
- Ho Kyun (1569-1618) is a famous writer and thinker in the middle period of Korea's Yi Dynasty. 摘要许筠(1569-1618),李朝中期著名文学家、思想家。
- Sin Wi--an Outstanding Chinese Language Poet in the Final Years of the Yi Dynasty 李朝末期汉诗家申纬
- On the Relations between the Concept of "Filial Obedience" in Korea's Yi Dynasty, Confucianism and Buddhism 试论朝鲜李朝时期"孝"观念与儒教和佛教的关系
- The Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong to Britain. 清王朝把香港割让给了英国。
- Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty. 中国的诗歌在唐代十分盛行。
- The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality. 唐朝是一段以开明著称的时期。
- Yi Dynasty 李朝
- The pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty is still in good repair. 建于明代的那座塔现在还完好无损。
- Story: A mermaid, Yi, came to a city to live. 故事:讲述一人鱼,仪,来到城市生活的故事。
- The Grand Canal began to build in the Sui Dynasty. 大运河是在隋朝开始修建的。
- Shanxi Yi Tai Heng Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. 山西颐泰恒精细化学有限公司
- This custom can reach back Tang Dynasty. 这个风俗可追溯到唐朝。
- "Eulogy of Po Yi" was a prose piece written by him. 《伯夷颂》是韩愈所写的一篇散文。
- So ends the story of Hou Yi and the nine: suns. 这就是有名的后羿射日的故事。
- This coin predates the Qing Dynasty. 这种硬币是在清朝以前就有的。
- What's the English for "Yi shi wu cheng"? “一事无成”的英文怎么说?
- The Yi ethnic group has many branches. 彝族的支系甚多,
- China prospered under a new dynasty. 中国的新朝代开始繁荣了。