- Yevgeny Maskinskov 马斯金斯科夫
- But Yevgeny Volk says Kremlin talk of diversification and mobility amounts to sloganeering. 梅德韦杰夫说,每个人都必须明白一个相当简单的道理。
- At the 1956 Winter Games, Yevgeny Grishin earned the gold medal in 500m speed skating by equaling his own world record. 1956年意大利科蒂纳丹佩佐冬奥会上叶甫根尼-格里申在500米速度滑冰项目中平了自己创造的世界纪录,并夺取自己的第一枚冬奥会金牌;
- So you haven't heard then. The man who arranged the defection was a GRU colonel by the name of Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin. 如此说来您也还没听说,安排这场叛国事件的是贵国一个名叫。
- Yevgeny Volk, manager of the Heritage Foundation in Russia, says the probe has less to do with ecology and more to do with economics. 传统基金会在俄罗斯的负责人沃尔克说,这次调查的着重点不是生态,而是经济。
- At the invitation of Prime Minister of Yevgeny Primakov,I recently went to Russia for the fifth regular meeting between the Chinese Premier and the Russian Prime Mjnister. 最近我应普里马科夫总理邀请访问俄罗斯,并进行了第四次中俄总理会晤。
- Despite all the meetings, the director of Moscow's Heritage Foundation, Yevgeni Volk, tells VOA he expects the ceremonies will be the main focus of the gathered leaders. 莫斯科传统基金会的总裁沃尔克告诉本台,尽管要举行这些会议,他认为这些领导人齐聚莫斯科的重点是参加庆典。
- At the invitation of Prime Minister of Yevgeny Primakov, I recently went to Russia for the fifth regular meeting between the Chinese Premier and the Russian Prime Minister. 答:最近我应普里马科夫总理邀请访问俄罗斯,并进行了第四次中俄总理会晤。
- Yevgeny Kafelnikov won for the first time on clay this season, a 6-3, 6-3 victory over Daniel Vacek on Tuesday in the first round of the Monte Carlo Open. 卡费尔尼科夫今年首次在土场上获得胜利。他在周二点蒙特卡洛公开赛首轮以6-3,6-3击败瓦赛克。
- At the invitation of Prime Minister of Yevgeny Primakov, I recently went to Russia for the fifth regular meeting between the Chinese Premier and the Russian Prime Mjnister. 最近我应普里马科夫总理邀请访问俄罗斯,并进行了第四次中俄总理会晤。
- 37. Despite all the meetings, the director of Moscow's Heritage Foundation, Yevgeni Volk, tells VOA he expects the ceremonies will be the main focus of the gathered leaders. 莫斯科传统基金会的总裁沃尔克告诉本台,尽管要举行这些会议,他认为这些领导人齐聚莫斯科的重点是参加庆典。
- Yevgeny Lopatin 洛帕京
- Yevgeny Penyayev 佩尼亚耶夫
- Yevgeny Frolov 弗罗洛夫
- Yevgeny Minayev 米纳耶夫
- Yevgeny Aleinikov 叶夫根尼·阿伦尼科夫
- Yevgeny Kafelnikov 卡费尔尼科夫, 叶夫根尼·卡费尔尼科夫
- Yevgeny Cherkassov 切尔卡索夫
- 30 P.M. Friends Yevgeny, Anatoly, and Viktor polish off an evening with fistfuls of beer and smoked fish at the 200-year-old Sanduny baths, traditional gathering place for Moscow's workaday crowd. 晚上07:30,老朋友叶夫根尼、阿纳托雷和维克多在有200年历史的桑度内浴室中灌着啤酒就着烟熏鱼打发时光,这里是莫斯科上班族聚集的传统场所。
- 7:30 P.M.Friends Yevgeny, Anatoly, and Viktor polish off an evening with fistfuls of beer and smoked fish at the 200-year-old Sanduny baths, traditional gathering place for Moscow's workaday crowd. 晚上07:30,老朋友叶夫根尼、阿纳托雷和维克多在有200年历史的桑度内浴室中灌着啤酒就着烟熏鱼打发时光,这里是莫斯科上班族聚集的传统场所。