- Writing in the science journal Nature,Shapiro and his team describe their DNA computer the automaton which can answer certain yes or no questions. 在《自然》科学杂志刊登的一篇文章里,沙皮罗和研究小组成员把DNA计算机视为能准确判断是非的自动装置。
- I need a simple yes or no to my questions. 我的问题只需要简单地回答是或不是。
- Tick 'yes' or 'no' to each question. 在每个问题的“是”或“否”旁打钩。
- Leading questions will generally be answerable with a yes or no. 诱导性问题通常能用是或否来回答。
- Can't you give me a straight yes or no? “是”还是“否”,你就不能给我个直截了当的回答吗?
- Just answer 'yes' or 'no',and stop hedging. 就回答“是”或“否”,别再闪烁其词了。
- I want a definite answer 'yes' or 'no'. 我要明确的答覆,“是”或“否”。
- It only remains for you to say yes or no. 你只要说声行或不行就可以了。
- All of us are heroes now, yes or no? 我们现在都是英雄了,是吗?
- The value of this attribute can be yes or no. 此属性的值可以是yes或no。
- They must have a definite replay, yes or no. 他们必须得到一个要么是要么非的明确回答。
- Roger Murtaugh:Shut up! Yes or no - you wanna die? 马塔妇:关嘴!对于没有对于,您思自宰?
- I want a definite answer, “yes” or “no”. 我需要一个明确的答复:“是”或“不是”。
- T8 with Badges of Valor, yes or no?? 勇气徽章换T8,真有此事??
- But referendums have a nasty habit of providing definitive, yes or no answers to delicate questions that might be better left unposed. 但公投的决定性也是很令人厌恶的,对于一些微妙的问题,与其直接回答"是"或"否"还不如让它悬而不决。
- In an interview try to ask open questions that don't just need 'Yes' or 'No' as an answer. 在面试中要尽量问易于发挥的问题,不要让对方回答“是”或“否”了事。
- In an interview try to ask open questions(= to which the answer is not just 'yes' or 'no'). 主持面试时要尽量问一些讨论性的问题。
- Can' t you give me a straight ( ie direct ) yes or no ? 你能不能给我一个直截了当的答覆, 行还是不行?
- He would not answer yes or no, but beat around the bush. 他不直接回答是或不是,而是兜圈子。
- The standalone attribute is a string whose values can be yes or no. standalone属性是值可以为yes或no的一个字符串。