- The plane belongs to Yemen Airways, which is owned by the Yemeni government. 这架飞机属于也门航空公司,该公司归也门政府所有。
- Yemen Airways (referred to as the "aircraft are also") 2, announced in a communique from the "real time" from "indefinite" to cancel the company in Marseille, France flights taking off and landing. 也门航空公司(简称“也航”)2日在一份公报中宣布,从“即时”起“无限期”取消该公司在法国马赛起降的航班。
- Your carrier for this flight is British Airways. 你的这一班机是英国航空公司的飞机。
- Yemen Airways 也门航空;也门航空公司
- Like any highway system, the federal airways have their main trunk line. 同任何公路系统一样,联邦航空线路也有其主航线。
- Function of airways; Artificial respiration. 呼吸道的功能;人工呼吸。
- Urban Roads in Aden of Republic of Yemen. 也门亚丁市内道路工程。
- In Yemen Kat is used daily by 85% of adults. 在也门,85%25的成年人每天都饮用阿拉伯茶。
- Pan-American World Airways, Inc. 泛美全球航空公司
- How much is shipping to Aden, Yemen? 我必须订购的最少的量或件数是多少?
- Waiting to transfer. Go on with British Airways. 等待转乘,英国航空。
- Jet Airways brings you Three Fare Plan periods. Jet Airways为您带来三个票价计划假期。
- British Airways are canceling flights to Poland. 英国航空公司取消了飞往波兰的航班。
- Thai Airways Int'l Public Co., Ltd. 意大利航空公司泰国国际航空有限公司。
- Your carrierfor this flight is British Airways. 你的这一班机是英国航空公司的飞机。
- Hello, The Thai Airways booking office? 您好,是泰航预定中心吗?
- BE British European Airways Corp.(BEA). 英国欧洲航空公司(英)
- Where is the check-in counter for British Airways? 英国航空公司的登记台在哪里?
- A former British colony and protectorate of southern Arabia, part of Southern Yemen(now Yemen) since 1967. 亚丁以前为英国的殖民地及阿拉伯半岛南部的一个保护国,1967年以后是南也门(现也门)的一部分。
- Caller: Is that British Airways? 打电话者:是英国航空公司吗?