- Yei Saining 叶赛宁
- Hangzhou Saining Sun Sheet Co., Ltd. 杭州赛宁板材有限公司
- "Yei Dela Wei Hsieh, a friend said. 德拉维耶伊谢的一位朋友说。
- He realized the necklace cost more, so he sain. 他意识到项链花费更多,所以他赛。
- Sain valentine thou who art crowned aloft. 圣瓦丁河啊,你戴着高高的皇冠,
- Env orie sain dianying bei, wul wujiqnta ye? 今晚有好电影,你们不去看吗?
- Fulu sain tacin jalan jalan de ulabumbi. 优秀传统薪火代代相传。
- Yet what is love, good shepherd, sain? 我的主,什么才是爱情?
- Yei Dela Wei Hsieh of several close friends told the media. 德拉维耶伊谢的好几位密友对媒体表示。
- At present, are not yet available Yei Dela Wei Hsieh whether to accept what is on this investigation. 目前,尚未得知德拉维耶伊谢是否正在就此接受何种调查。
- It is Taibao the famous singers “Yei Chitan” and “Wu ChunLin” ’s hometown . 知名歌手叶启田与伍佰都是太保子弟。
- Wednesday the parties concerned have Yei Dela Wei Hsieh autopsy conducted, the results will be announced next week. 有关方面周三已对德拉维耶伊谢进行了尸检,结果下周将对外公布。
- When the wheat in Adolf's 11 Jing Shi fraud was revealed, Yei Dela Wei Hsieh has been completely knocked down. 而当麦道夫的惊世骗局在11日被曝光后,德拉维耶伊谢被彻底击倒了。
- A children's song predicting the conquest of Yei by the army of the Zhou kingdom. 隋书五行志上金作扫帚玉作把。净扫殿屋迎西家。
- Yei Dela Wei Hsieh and his wife live in the affluent New York suburb of West County, two children, but no love life. 德拉维耶伊谢和妻子住在纽约市郊富庶的威斯特郡,两人没有孩子但生活恩爱。
- Yuan Yei thought much of aesthetic value of poem.Jiang Shiquan regarded poems as moralization. 在鉴赏方面,三家都对古今诗人采取了“爱古而不薄今”的原则,尤其表现出对当代诗歌的重视。
- Instead of the 13 hours after a security guard in Yei Dela Wei Hsieh at the Office of the floor, 22, found his body. 而不到13个小时后,一名保安便在德拉维耶伊谢位于22楼的办公室里发现了他的尸体。
- Gain Sain was established in 1988.We specialized in bed &knee type, manual &CNC milling machine, machine center. 本公司创立于1988年,专门生产工作母机:CNC铣床、切削中心机及模具加工。
- U.S. authorities yesterday started to Yei Dela Wei Hsieh of the suicide investigation. 美国当局昨日开始针对德拉维耶伊谢的自杀事件展开调查。
- Sain Mark's Square in Venice Italy is known for its histroic buildings and its pigeons. 意大利威尼斯的SaintMark广场因其具有历史意义的建筑和鸽子闻名于世。