- Yeah night markets are cool. 是的,夜市非常的酷。
- Two night markets are the life and soul of the budget eating scene. 对于那些喜欢吃便宜食品的人来说,那两个夜市就是生命和灵魂所在。
- Night markets are the best place to go if you want to sample local cuisine. 如果想品尝当地美食,夜市是最佳去处。
- The night market was bedlam. 夜市喧扰不堪。
- Yeah, we could leave tomorrow, we are cool with that. 是的,很高兴我们明天就能走了。
- How many stalls are usually at a night market? 夜市通常有多少摊位?
- If you are visiting Taipeh, go to the night market. (笑)若你打算到台北观光,建议你去夜市。
- Ron and Trish are at the night market. 朗恩和翠西在夜市里。
- For health's sake, I suggest you never eat in the night market. 为了健康的缘故,我建议你永远不要在夜市吃。
- The clothes are cool and inexpensive. 那些衣服挺不赖的,而且也不贵。
- "Death scenes are cool," chips in Haley. “死亡的场景是很酷的”海利插嘴说。
- She was cool and fresh in the hot night. 在这炎热的夜晚,露丝却显得清新可人。
- Animals are cool, but not as cool as humans. 动物是凉快,但不一样凉快的象人。
- Markets are flourishing and prices are stable. 市场繁荣, 物价稳定。
- So who doesn't think that capes are cool? 是谁认为披风不酷啊?
- Hank, Stacy, and Stacy's dad are in the night market. 汉克、史黛西和史黛西的爸爸在夜市里。
- The stock market was on the brink of collapse. 股市已到崩盘的边缘。
- Oh, be cool about it. It's just a mirage. 不要那么激动,只不过是海市蜃楼而已。
- This is one of the largest night markets in Taipei. 这里是台北最大的夜市! ?
- B: Oh, be cool about it. It's just a mirage. 不要那么激动,只不过是海市蜃楼而已。