- Yata rhabdovirus 雅塔弹状病毒
- "The rhabdovirus that causes it spreads along nerve tissue from the wound to the Brain. 弹状病毒使它从伤口沿神经组织而到达大脑。
- Bo Yata in the hills southeast of Weiminghu Lake, imitation is the Tongzhou Randeng ancient tower, from the Liao Dynasty built Miyanzhuanta style. 博雅塔位于未名湖东南的小丘上,是仿通州燃灯古塔、取辽代密檐砖塔样式建造的。
- Bo Yata and its towering pines and cypresses and around the shimmering Dangyang of Weiminghu Lake Yanyuan constitute a major landscape. 巍峨的博雅塔和它周围的松柏以及波光荡漾的未名湖构成燕园的一大景观。
- Bo Yata like a Baojingfengshuang the elderly, stood silently Lake, Looking at the changes, Jinsuo the Tap Mun, just like the old people's minds closed, including the long years of life. 博雅塔似一位饱经风霜的老人,默默地站在湖畔,纵观着风云变幻,那紧锁的塔门,就像这位老人紧闭的心扉,包含着人生的悠悠岁月。
- Rhabdovirus carpio; Spring viremia virus of carp 鲤鱼春季病毒血症病毒
- Russian winter wheat mosaic rhabdovirus 俄罗斯冬小麦花叶弹状病毒
- Pittosporium vein yellowing rhabdovirus 海桐花脉黄弹状病毒
- Saintplaulia leaf necrosis rhabdovirus 非洲紫苣苔叶坏死弹状病毒
- Sambucus vein clearing rhabdovirus 接骨木脉明弹状病毒
- Lemon scented thyme leaf chlorosis rhabdovirus 柠檬味的麝香草叶绿症弹状病毒
- Lettuce necrotic yellows rhabdovirus 球叶莴苣坏死黄化弹状病毒
- Bovine ephemeral fever rhabdovirus 牛暂时热弹状病毒
- Holcus lanatus yellowing rhabdovirus 绒毛草黄弹状病毒
- Northern cereal mosaic rhabdovirus 北方谷物花叶弹状病毒
- Broccoli necrotic yellows rhabdovirus 硬花甘蓝坏死性黄化弹状病毒
- Triticum aestivum chlorotic spot rhabdovirus 小麦退绿斑弹状病毒
- American wheat striate mosaic rhabdovirus 美国小麦条点花叶弹状病毒
- Callistephus chinensis chlorosis rhabdovirus 翠菊萎黄病弹状病毒
- Dendrobium leaf streak rhabdovirus 树兰叶线条弹状病毒