- Yasui Kaoru 安井郁(1907-80),日本人,法学教授、和平运动人士。
- Kaoru and Komoto are two milestone characters in Kawabata literature. “薰”与“驹子”是川端文学中两位里程碑式的人物形象。
- The Japanese lighting designer Kaoru Mende also has his point of view. 调研、观察和组合,几乎成了所有设计师要具备的一个能力。
- Kaoru Are you asking if I create something that they can hardly cosplay....? 你是问我,是否创作过一些让他们很难扮装的东西?
- Kaoru Kondo (Mi Mula played) this year, 30-year-old, character seriously, in the real estate company when the clerk. 近藤薰(米姆拉饰)今年三十岁,性格认真,目前在不动产公司当业务员。
- Zhao SF,Zhao M,Jin Y,et al.Expression of c-myc mRNA and c-myc protein in the tooth development[J].Yati Yasui Yazhoubingxue Zazhi (Chin J Conservat Dentist),1999,9(1):61-62. [19]赵书芳;赵皿;金岩;等.;牙齿发育中c-myc mRNA转录及蛋白表达的意义[J]
- Yukawa's partner is a rookie cop, Utsumi Kaoru (Shibasaki Kou), a hot-blooded woman with a strong sense of justice. 汤川的合作伙伴是一个新人警察,内海薰(柴口),一个热血女性具有强烈的正义感。
- Kaoru very Kan Buguan initially, but soon she would like on this special adults. 起初薰非常看不惯,但很快她就喜欢上了这个与众不同的大人。
- Aya , Kaoru Amane , Erika Sawajiri , you are the most lovely and prettiest girl in my world . 曾经我不明白;一直黑达人;现在我很崇拜达人老师.
- Under the influence of the Yoko, Kaoru unconsciously begin to change, to experience the liberation of their own, to the self-happiness. 在洋子的影响下,薰不知不觉中开始改变,体验到了解放自身、忠于自我的快乐。
- The Fishbone Diagram was invented by Professor Kaoru Ishikawa of Tokyo University, a highly regarded Japanese expert in quality management. 鱼骨图的发明人石川馨教授,任教于日本东京大学,他是日本杰出的质量管理大师。
- Kaoru was suffering from xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), an illness, which also might be described as the allergy to the sun, and was not allowed to be exposed to sunlight. 雨音薰,一个患有罕见遗传疾病的天真女孩,因为皮肤无法接触阳光,只能过着昼伏夜出的街头演唱生活。
- No formal handover of power to his chief cabinet secretary, Kaoru Yosano, took place, yet since his resignation nearly nothing has been heard of Mr Abe. 他的内阁官房长官与谢野馨在没有正式权力交接的情况下临时接任。
- Kaoru Saegusa (Yuriko Ishida) is a cheerful and dynamic 30-year old woman who is still single.She works at the Tokyo Branch Office of Oedo Travel Agency. 小薰(石田百合子饰)是个爱情、事业都能独立自主的女性,却耽溺于跟上司赤泽(伊原刚志饰)的不伦之恋。
- On the day Kaoru goes to confirm the alibi of Hanaoka Yasuko, Togashi's estranged wife, she learns that Yasuko's neighbour is also a graduate from Teito University just like Yukawa. 刑警内海薰(柴崎幸饰)接获一件谋杀案,却查不出死者身份,只好请帝都大学的天才物理学教授汤川学(福山雅治饰)帮忙,汤川在查案期间,发现死者的前妻花冈靖子(松雪泰子饰)有一位邻居石神哲哉(堤真一饰)。
- All cabinet members, including Finance Minister Kaoru Yosano, who some had earlier speculated might refuse, signed off on the election plan on Tuesday, Health Minister Yoichi Masuzoe said. 厚生劳动省舛添要一说,所有内阁成员,包括财政部长谢野韾,(据早先推测可能会拒绝)都签署了星期二的竞选计划。
- Horie, M.,Ishikawa, F.,Oishi, M., Shindo, T.,Yasui, A.,Ito, K. 2007. Rapid 品中微量甜蜜素含量。中国卫生检验杂志。中国。
- 17Kuniyasu H, Yoshida K, Yokosaki H, Yasui W, Ito H, toge T et al.expression of cripto, a novel gene of the epidermal growth factor family,in human gastrointestinal carcinomas. 世界华人消化杂志1998年第1期第6卷文献综述作者:石雪迎赵凤志单位:北京中医药大学东直门医院病理科北京市100700关键词:胃肿瘤/遗传学;
- Yasui Ken 安井谦(1911-),日本人,参议员。
- Yasui Tōji 安井藤治(1886-1970),日本人,官员。