- Yashiki Hiroshi 谷敷宽(1917-),日本人,官员。
- His name's Hiroshi but everyone calls him Hiro. 他名叫广志,但人们都称他广。
- Nakayama.Demonstrated by Hiroshi Shoji [and] Motokuni Sugiura. 作者声明: Text and instructions by M.
- Itsuki Hiroshi also sings the original Japanese version very well. 很欣赏蔡琴的这个版本;不论编曲或演唱; 都非常的好.
- Illustrators include: veteran artists such as Tadahito Nadamoto and and Hiroshi Watanabe,who is active in Shanghai. 在插画方面,主要有滩本唯人先生,和现在活跃在上海的渡边宏先生等。
- Hiroshi never knew his father.As a young boy his mother told him his father had died young. 这麽多年来,他一直不认识他的父亲,因为自小他的母亲便告诉他父亲早已离世。
- Hiroshi Fujiwara is a popular Japanese musician, trendsetter, producer, and designer, born in Ise, Mie in 1964. 藤原浩,1964年出生于日本伊势湾,著名音乐人,时装设计师,被大众誉为里原宿潮流教父。
- One evening, on his way home from the office, Hiroshi is accosted by a raggedy man who claims to be his father. 一天,放工回家途中他遇到了一名衣衫褴褛的男子,坚称自己便是他的父亲。
- "It was his last news conference, so he let his emotions slip," said Hiroshi Fukada, 56, a public servant. 56岁的政府公务员深田浩说:“这是他最后一次发布会,所以他表露了自己的情绪。即使是我,有时也想对别人说‘我可不像你’这样的话。”
- Hiroshi Hasegawa, from Japan, couldn't understand why British people kept his shoes on at home. 来自日本,不理解为什么英国人在家里总是穿着鞋。
- Takayuki Tsuji,Hiroshi Hattori ,“development of night vision system” , IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transporttation systems,Vol3.,NO.3,2002 . 韩宝玲,黄贞华,何炜新型汽车红外夜视系统的研究与开发计算机测量与控制2004.;12(9)
- After invoking the wrath of the fearsome Yakuza gang, club singer Hiroshi and his hotheaded friend Tsuyoshi flee to Korea. 二人虽情同兄弟,其实子优喜早已对洋暗暗倾心,只是没有机会表白。
- The drama stars rising stars Tamaki Hiroshi (Waterboys, Heavenly Forest) and Ueno Juri (Swing Girls), who started learning piano when she was a child. 某日,千秋因与指导教授不和,加上和女友分手而变得自暴自弃。
- Several Hiroshi software R &D institutions from Shenzhen, Shenzhen and Kunming market Bolland Technology Co., Ltd. and so on several agencies. 数博软件机构由深圳研发部,深圳市场部和昆明数博兰德科技有限公司等机构组成。
- On 15 April,BIU president Mr. Hiroshi Hirano make an observer school for 2008 WBMC in Shanghai,China rider made a demo for teaching. 4月15日,BIU主席平野博在上海为2008金茂国际障碍单车大师赛的30名观察员培训进行了讲解和模拟现场教学,中国车手在模拟赛道上进行了演示。
- University President Hiroshi Komiyama revealed the draft plan in a recent news conference held for foreign reporters in Tokyo. 东大校长小宫山宏在近期的外国记者新闻发布会上公布了上述计划。
- Hiroshi Tamaki stars as a college student Segawa Makoto who keeps away from people because of an incurable disease illness. 玉木宏饰演一个身患不治之症而逃避人群的大学生濑川诚人。
- Hiroshi Maruyama ,Kent Tamura , Naohiko Uramoto .XML and Java Developing Web Applications[M]. Addison-Wesley, August 1999. 宋晓梁;刘东生;许满武.;中间件及其在三层客户机/服务器模型中的应用[N]
- That gave design director Shiro Nakamura , product chief designer Hiroshi Hasegawa and their team a great deal of freedom in the creation process. 这给设计总监塘中村邦夫,产品首席设计师长谷川浩及其团队大量的自由,在创作过程中。
- In the near future, Liu Bei from Chengdu to win, put down Yizhou, Li Jun Jiangjun Renyi, in Hu-jun, general levy South, Hiroshi called Chang Ting Hou. 不久,又从刘备夺取成都,平定益州,历任翊军将军、中护军、征南将军,封为博昌亭侯。