- Yangtze Valley fever 扬子(江流域)热, 日本血吸虫病
- Thinkings on flood in Yangtze valley and its countermeasures. 长江流域水患的思考和对策。
- There are abundant wet land resources in the Yangtze valley. 长江流域有丰富的湿地资源。
- In mid-March, new clusters of Rift Valley Fever cases occurred. 在3月中,发生了新的聚集性裂谷热病例。
- Human cases of Rift Valley fever (RVF) continue to occur in Sudan. 人间裂谷热病例在苏丹持续增加。
- Applications should be forwarded through the Yangtze Valley Authority. 申请书应通过三峡水库工程处转交。
- There are abundant wet land resources in the Yangtze valley, which are pregnant with rich fish resources and developed fishery. 长江流域拥有丰富的湿地资源,孕育了丰富的鱼类资源和发达的渔业。
- Li Dewei,1992,Detachment faults and stratiform ore deposits of upper Palaeozoic Erathem in the Middle-lower Yangtze Valley,China(abstract),ISDSEMR. 李德威,1992,藏南岩石圈多层韧性剪切系统,地球科学进展(杨巍然主编),中国地质大学出版社,31。
- Human cases of Rift Valley fever (RVF) in Sudan have decreased continuously in recent weeks. 在苏丹,人间裂谷热病例数量最近几周内开始不断下降。
- OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the status quo and the tendency of antiepileptic drugs used in6Children s Hospitals in the Yangtze Valley. 目的:评估长江流域儿童医院抗癫痫药用药现状和趋势。
- Many different species of mosquitoes are vectors for the Rift Valley Fever (RVF) virus. 许多不同种类的蚊子是裂谷热病毒的媒介。
- Natural disasters and eco-environment in the Yangtze Valley have been restricted and impressed by crustal movement and Qinling-Dabie orogenesis since the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. 长江流域的地质-生态环境与自然灾害受到中新生代以来地壳运动和秦岭-大别等造山作用的严格制约与影响。
- The skarn deposits in the Gangdise metallogeoic belt are comparable to Fe-Cu-Au skarn deposits in the middle and lower Yangtze Valley metallogenic belt in many aspects. 冈底斯成矿带的矽卡岩型矿床与长江中下游的铁铜金矽卡岩型矿床在许多方面可以相比较。
- Some of the key problems about emergency mechanisms were discussed,such as legislation of emergency system for the Yangtze valley,the relationships between different branc... 对其中的应急机制流域立法、不同行政主体在应急机制中的关系、三峡及丹江口水库重点水域应急机制建设及应急工作体系建设等进行探讨。
- By mid-July, the tsuyu has begun to weaken over Japan, but the mei-yu retains its identity and structure in China, typically lying over the Yangtze valley in July and August. 到七月中旬,日本的雨带开始减弱,但是在中国,尤其是长江流域,整个七月和八月都受到梅雨带的影响。
- Reported outbreaks of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) among animals began on 18 January 2007 with the first human case reported at the beginning of February 2007 in Arusha region. 报告的动物中裂谷热疫情始于2007年1月18日,在阿鲁沙省于2007年2月初报告了第1例人间病例。
- As of 27 December 2006, 32 cases and 19 deaths of Rift Valley Fever virus (Case Fatality Ratio 59.4%) have been reported in the flood-affected areas of Garissa district. 截止2006年12月27日;已报告在加里萨县水灾地区发生32例裂谷热病毒病例和19例死亡(病死率59.;4%25)。
- Now certain is that the Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Lassa fever virus and Rift Valley fever virus has been excluded, not the cause of the causes of death. 现在可以确定是,埃博拉病毒、马尔堡病毒、拉沙热病毒以及裂谷热病毒已经被排除在外,不是导致死亡的原因。”
- In the provinces along the seacoast and in the Yangtze Valley where foreign capital penetrated and where mercantile and small industrial cities grew up, the power of the rural gentry in many cases had to be shared with city merchants. 沿海和长江流域的省份是外国资本渗入的地方,市镇工商业比较发达,乡绅的权力往往为城市商人所分享。
- This review introduces the latest progress in etiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis treatment and prevention for Rift Valley Fever and West Nile Fever. 摘要本文就裂谷热及西尼罗热的病原学,流行病学,临床表现,诊断,治疗及预防作扼要阐述。