- Yangtze River water transportation 长江水运
- Yangtze River water transport 长江水运
- Process water, which is treated Yangtze River water will be supplied by Owner from the each battery limit. 业主提供从各个界区处理过的长江水作为工艺水。
- Shennongjia is the Yangtze River and Han River watershed, Xiangxi territory along the river crossing, blocking and Nanhe River water system 4. 神农架是长江和汉水的分水岭,境内有香溪河、沿渡河、南河和堵河4个水系。
- Cities like Suzhou, Changzhou and Wuxi that are neighbors of the Yangtze River have utilized river water to drive their rapid economic development for many years. 扬子江边的一些城市,例如苏州,常州和无锡,许多年来一直用江水资源来推动经济快速发展。
- The Synthetical Survey Bureau of Yangtze River Water Conservancy Committee. Engineering Geology Investigation Report of Fengjie Baiyi'an Landslide During Control and Plan Phases in Three Gorges Reservoir. 长江水利委员会综合勘测局。长江三峡工程库区奉节县白衣庵滑坡治理规划阶段工程地质勘察报告。
- Yangtze River Water Conservancy Committee of Water Resources Department. The Geology Argument Report ( Detailed Investigation)of Fengjie County Relocate New Address in Three Gorges Reservoir. 水利部长江水利委员会勘测总队。长江三峡水利枢纽库区奉节县迁建城镇新址地质论证报告(详堪阶段)。
- Objective To investigate the organic pollution status of Jialing River and Yangtze River in Chongqing section,and to evaluate the effects of organic pollutants in river water on public health. 目的了解重庆市主城区嘉陵江和长江水中有机物污染状况,评价水中有机污染物对人群健康的影响。
- Yangtze River water source heat pump 长江水源热泵
- The billowing east of Yangtze River dies the water. 滚滚长江东逝水。
- Noxious chemicals are found in the river water. 河水里发现了有毒化学物品。
- the Chinese Yangtze River Water Conservation Committee and governments, 中国长江水资源保护委员会,
- From 1998 Yangtze River Flood to Huaihe River Water Detention and Diversion 由1998年长江洪水对淮河行蓄洪区的思考
- The river water is very clear; you can see your face in it. 河水很清,你都能从里面看清自己的脸。
- The Yellow is not so long as the Yangtze river. 黄河没有长江长。
- The Yangtze River rises in Qinghai Province. 长江发源于青海。
- Exploit the Yangtze River,@ it said. 开发长江资源。”
- Rivers and lakes provide us with water transport and irrigation. 江河湖泽给我们以舟楫和灌溉之利。
- Sichuan have trade links with the Yangtze River. 四川和长江流域有商贸联系。