- Yang style taijiquan is one of the important branch in wushu,which is so popular in the world thatowns large numbers of practiser. 包含了大量的传统太极拳名家亲身演示,介绍了杨式太极拳现代流行套路和竟赛套路。全面展现了杨式太极拳的精髓,风采。
- To that end, I now teach Hunyuan Chen style Taijiquan in the Milwaukee area. 最后,我现在美国密尔沃基地区教授陈式心意混元太极拳。
- Yang style Taichi its many is the most popular and widely practiced style. 杨式太极拳是当今太极拳的主要流派。
- Sun style Taijiquan is one of the important branch in Wushu,which is so popular in the world that owns large numbers of practiser. 孙式太极拳为中国传统太极拳的著名流派,是流传广泛、具有深远影响的武术拳种,受到世界各国人民的喜爱,为广大群众健身强体的重要方法。
- Sun style Taijiquan is one of the important branch in Wushu, which is so popular in the world that owns large numbers of practiser. 孙式太极拳为中国传统太极拳的着名流派,是流传广泛、具有深远影响的武术拳种,受到世界各国人民的喜爱,为广大群众健身强体的重要方法。
- Wu style Taijiquan is one of the important branch in Wushu,which is so popular in the world that owns large numbers of practiser. 吴式太极拳为具有代表性的重要太极拳流派之一。在海内外流传广泛、影响深远。具有良好的健身效果,受到世界各国人民的喜爱。
- We are a non-profit organization, committed to promote the Yang style Taichi and Chinese classical dance. 此乃一非牟利团体,主要以杨式太极及中国舞为推广目标。
- Unlike in the yang style poses listed above, you may allow your tailbone to curl up to release, or decompress, the lower back. 不同于以上列出的阳瑜珈的体式; 你可以让尾骨卷起放松或减小下背部压力,.
- We have more than 20 banquet halls ,provides different kind of cuisines with Huai yang style ,are cooked by famous chefs. 酒店拥有大小宴会厅20多个,烹饪正宗中式淮扬、川、粤、等菜,特聘名厨,引进先进管理和服务理念。
- Yang style tai chi stretch generous, Wu style Tai Chi compact, two of boxing-style are Sophie Yu Gang,gang rou xiang ji good, known as "living sculptures, the flow of music, sports Spring Snow. 杨式太极舒展大方,武式太极小巧紧凑,两种拳式均以柔中寓刚、刚柔相济见长,被称为“活的雕塑,流动的音乐,体育运动的阳春白雪。”
- " Yang, Wu style Taijiquan impact extensive, both at home and abroad over its followers, it was the National Education Committee yongnian named as the "town of Taiji. 杨、武式太极拳影响广泛,其弟子遍及海内外,因此永年被国家体委命名为“太极拳之乡”。
- On Translation Taiji Boxing of Yang Style 杨式太极拳的翻译
- International Competition Routine - Chen Style Taijiquan 国际比赛陈式太极
- I saw Xiao Yang walking by, shouldering two hoes. 我看到小扬扛着两把锄头从旁走过。
- I left all for Xiao Yang to decide. 一切我都让小杨去决定。
- SWORD Yang Style Taichi Taiji straight-sword old form 杨式太极老剑
- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。
- This new style of air conditioner is noiseless. 这种新型空调没有噪音。
- Do in a style appropriate to your own use. 按与你自己的用途相称的风格去做。
- How fashionable this new style is! 这个新款式是多么新颖呀!