- Yanagisawa Haruki 柳泽卯木(1912-),日本人,株式会社第一印刷所社长。
- Katsusuke Yanagisawa took the crown in 2007, at age 71 years and 63 days. 二00七年该头衔又被七十一岁又六十三天的柳泽胜介所取代。
- Yanagisawa runs a company in Matsumoto, north of Tokyo, selling the helicopter. 柳泽在东京以北的松本经营一家公司,销售直升飞机。
- Hayashi N,Ito I,Yanagisawa A,et al.Genetic diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in colorectal cancer[J].Lancet,1995,345(8960):1257. 吴建农;王懿龄.;大肠癌增殖细胞核抗原的表达与淋巴结转移关系[J]
- His strike-partner still has to be decided: Fabio Bazzani, or Atsushi Yanagisawa. 他的搭档将是法比奥巴扎尼或者柳泽敦。
- It is easier to be bewitched by Haruki Murakami's fiction than to figure out how he accomplishes the bewitchment. 村上春树的小说对读者有着非凡的魔力,但我们很难解释出他是怎样成功的对读者施魔法的。
- "Our conclusion is that we have found that CHIP protein prevents breast tumor growth and metastasis," Yanagisawa said. 在使用一组较具侵略性乳癌细胞的平行实验中,也可看到同样的结果。
- Well-known Japanese writer Haruki Murakami told me that the existence of people like a two-story. 日本著名作家村上春树曾对我说,人的存在像一座二层楼。
- Murakami Haruki’s novels possess both the characteristics of the popular literature and the scholastic literature. 村上春树的小说兼具大众文学与精英文学的特点。
- Furthermore, designing a new therapy that increases CHIP protein levels or its activity could be useful for breast tumor treatment," Yanagisawa said. 此外,设计一个增加CHIP蛋白质的程度或者活动力的新疗法,可帮助乳癌治疗,柳泽说道。
- Novelist Haruki Murakami riffed on the cultural alienation many Japanese feel by filling his books with meditations on jazz and the Beatles. 小说家村上春树在书中反复提到许多日本人所感到的本土文化疏远,从而对爵士舞和披头式乐队现象的思考添加了不少笔墨。
- I am a big fan of Haruki Murakami who is Japanese novelist.His works have been translated into every language around the world. 我是日本的作家的村上春树的迷,他的作品在全世界被翻译。
- Lin is a dry Magnoliaceae, also known as "should Haruki," the Cinei of this drought-lian of the world found so far is the only one. 旱莲属木兰科,又名“应春树“,该祠内的这株旱莲是迄今世界上发现的惟一一株。
- The 75-kilogram helicopter will make a demonstration flight in the city of Vinci, near Florence, on May 25, according to Japanese developer Gennai Yanagisawa, 75. 据75岁的日本研发者平贺柳泽介绍,这架重75公斤的直升机将于本月25日在佛罗伦萨附近的达芬奇市进行试飞。
- Masaki T,Kimara S,Yanagisawa M,et al. Molecular and cellular mechanism of endothelin regulation implications for vascular function[J].Circulation,1991,84:1457. 陈维州;张培智.;银杏叶提取物的药理和临床研究进展[J]
- Haruki Murakami and Eileen Chang had different ideas,in their own works,how man helps his own soul and flesh and how man,in relation to woman,finds his own ways in the world. 男人如何安置自己的灵与肉,如何通过女人找到自己在世界上的位置,村上春树与张爱玲在各自的作品中给出了不同的思考。
- The second part discuss the post-modernism in Murakami Haruki’s text and exhibit features of his writings, such as ignoring magnificence, absurdity, without logic. 第二部分从文本角度,指出村上作品内容所蕴涵的后现代因素,展现了作品漠视宏大、荒诞、无逻辑等特色。
- Ten Questions. Japan's best-known contemporary author has seen his surreal and whimsical novels translated into dozens of languages. Haruki Murakami will now take your questions. 大多数的问题都好无聊,不懂这些阿豆仔在想啥。第九个问题回答的真棒。但,让人兴奋的是最后一个问题,好期待呀。
- The cocky rock figures and daring vocal protests in French, English and German - Heine is covered as well as a traditional Chinese folk song and a poem by Haruki Murakumi. 这两个高傲的摇滚人物竟然敢于用法语,英语以及德语同时吟唱抗议??除了一首传统的中国民歌和一首春上村树的诗歌,海捏的诗也被他们翻唱。
- A : Mr. Gen Yanagisawa. 答:根先生柳泽。