- Yan Emperor Shen Nong as a generation, the world is in charge of the South, the South is fire, so called "Yan. 炎帝神农作为一代帝王,分管南方天下,南方属火,所以号称“炎帝”。
- Yan Emperor Shen Nong in the world to commemorate the merits, we adopt the said China called "China. 世人的纪念炎帝神农的功德,便沿用此称,把中国叫做“中华”。
- Yan Emperor's descendant Chiyou wanted to take revenge for Yan Emperor, but was killed by Yellow Emperor's armies at Zhuolu. 炎帝后裔蚩尤为炎帝复仇,黄帝率各部族在涿鹿击杀蚩尤。
- Aside): Once upon a time, the Yan Emperor had a daughter called Nu Wa. She was very cute. Yan Emperor loved her very much. 旁白:很久很久以前,炎帝有一个女儿叫作女娃。她非常可爱。炎帝很喜欢她。
- Because of this, we can Yan Emperor Shen Nong China Times as primitive by the matriarchal society to patriarchal clan society, from ignorance, barbarism and civilization transition. 正因为如此,我们可以把炎帝神农时代看成是中国原始社会由母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会,由蒙昧到野蛮、文明的转变时期。
- In the early period of Five Emperors period,Yan Emperor tribes in Banpo type and Chiyou tribes in Hougang type fought near Zhuolu and Chiyou tribes won victory. 五帝时代前期,仰韶文化半坡类型所代表的炎帝族系自西而东、后岗类型所代表的蚩尤族系自东而西分别扩张,终于在涿鹿附近相遇而发生激烈冲突,蚩尤族系暂时居于优势。
- She ate up the chance to go to Yan an. 她极为珍视这次去延安的机会。
- He went back to his Yan an days. 他回忆起在延安的岁月。
- That emperor was a cruel despot. 那个皇帝是个残酷的专制君主。
- The emperor was actually a political eunuch. 那个皇帝实际上没有政治实权。
- The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. 皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。
- Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French. 拿破仑自称为法国皇帝。
- Rome's power reached its zenith under the emperor Trajan. 罗马帝国的势力在图雷真皇帝的统治下达到顶峰。
- They dethroned the last emperor. 他们罢免了最後一个皇帝。
- Cultural Aspect--Designing of Public Memorial Activity Area of Yan Emperor's Mausoleum 炎帝陵公祭区建筑设计的文化理念
- He incurred the wrath of the emperor for defending Li Ling. 他因为替李陵说话,触怒了皇帝。
- He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty. 他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。
- " The latter records, the Yan Emperor Shen Nong's era seems to have entered the patriarchal clan society, there has been monogamous family. 后者记载,炎帝神农时代好像已进入父系氏族社会,出现了一夫一妻制家庭。
- Many contemporary writers condemned the emperor's actions. 当时的许多作家都谴责该皇帝的行径。
- We may say "xiong xiong huo yan" (a raging blaze). 我们还可以说熊熊的火焰。