- Yamazaki Tomoji 山崎知二(1903-),日本人,法语教授。
- take sole responsibility for 承担全部责任
- Yamazaki opened its first foreign plant, in Kentucky in the US, in 1974. 山崎马扎克于1974年首次在国外办厂,地点是在美国肯塔基州。
- Each other creature named Brothers Yamazaki gets +2/+2and has haste. 名称为山崎兄弟的其他生物得+2/+2且具有敏捷异能。
- Thanks again to Ms Yamazaki and we'll hope to see you again next year! 真的非常感谢山崎老师,明年还请多多关照!
- "I don't drink alcohol -- that is the biggest reason for my good health," Tomoji Tanabe told reporters on Monday. 他还告诉媒体,他不吸烟,喜欢每天喝一杯牛奶。
- "I'm happy," said Tomoji Tanabe as the local mayor presented him with flowers and a giant tea cup glazed with his name and date of birth."I'm well. 当本地市民们手捧鲜花、献上一只写有老人生日的大茶杯时,田锅友时老人说,“我一直保持乐观。
- Kazunori Yamazaki, the 51-year-old farm owner, said, “It's good timing for Valentine's Day”. 据它51岁的主人透露,随着2月14日情人节的来临,“爱心”越来越受欢迎。
- The Guinness Book of World Records lists Japan's 114-year-old Yone Minagawa and 111-year-old Tomoji Tanabe, as the world's oldest person and oldest man, respectively. 据《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》记载,目前世界上寿命最长的人和寿命最长的男性分别是日本114岁的皆川米子和111岁的田锅友时。
- If this does not clear the alarm status, please contact your YAMAZAKI MAZAK products service station. 如果这样报警状态还不明确,请与YAMAZAKI MAZAK集团产品服务站联系。
- Yamazaki : Why Han race ? Is it suppose to be other races in China ? Like the people of Qing empire . 我们汉民族的人民团体,它涉及我们汉民族的思想史,是融会汉族道德精神和时代精神的联合体。
- The Guinness Book of World Records lists Japan's 114-age-old Yone Minagawa and 111-age-old Tomoji Tanabe, as the globle's oldest person and oldest man, respectively. 日本女性的平均寿命连续22年名列全球之首,一些研究人员认为,这主要归功于她们健康的饮食和紧密的大家庭联系。
- Objective:To study the chemical constituents of Veronicastrum caulopterum(Hance)Yamazaki by priliminary test. 目的:通过预试验,初步探索四方麻的化学成分。
- The world's oldest man Tomoji Tanabe (see photo) from Japan, recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records last year, celebrated his 113th birthday on Thursday. 日本男子田锅友时(见图)18日度过了113岁生日,他在去年被吉尼斯世界记录认证为世界上最长寿男性。
- Yamazaki : What is the purpose of revive an old Chinese culture , are you trying to restore your old empire ?? 你们复兴中国传统文化的目的是什么?难道你试图想回复过去的帝国?
- "Women in this generation have time and money," says Seiko Yamazaki, a supervisor who's watching consumer trends at Dentsu Institute. “妇女在这一代人有时间和金钱, ”山崎说,日本精工,主管谁在关注消费趋势在通研究所。
- Authorities at Asahiyama Zoo are taking the penguins on 500-yard walks on the snowy grounds twice a day, said zoo spokesman Tetsuo Yamazaki. 而动物园里的饲养人员正忙着给它们减肥,方法是加大企鹅们的运动量。
- That thinking is why Yamazaki's Worcester factory has just in the past year invested $16m expanding its output by 25 percent. 正由于这种想法,山崎马扎克的英国伍斯特工厂去年刚投资了1600万美元,将产能扩大了25%25。
- And ALWAYS was a triumph not only in its groundbreaking special effects, but also in Yamazaki's steady direction and the film's stellar cast. 另一方面,六子在铃木车坊已经熟悉了自己的工作,游刃有余,生意也很红火。
- Tomoji Tanabe, a teetotaller who has repeatedly said that avoiding alcohol was a secret of his longevity, was given a certificate from the Guinness Book of World Records by the mayor of his local municipality. 滴酒不沾的田锅友时不断重申,其长寿的秘诀主要是不沾酒。他所在市的市长为他颁发了《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》授予他的证书。