- Yacht driven by solar energy 太阳能游艇
- ejector refrigeration driven by solar energy 太阳能喷射式制冷循环
- Ferryboat driven by solar energy is put into operation 太阳能渡船在上海投入运营
- This car is powered by solar energy. 这部车是用太阳能发电。
- They will heating house by solar energy. 他们将利用太阳能为住宅供暖。
- Analysis of New Compressed and Absorbered Compound Cycle Driven by Solar Energy 太阳能驱动的压缩吸收式复合制冷循环分析
- The warm syetem in this house is driven by solar power. 他们将利用太阳能为住宅供暖。
- A solar ejector or absorption refrigeration system is usually driven by conventional energy unefficiently when solar energy is not enough to drive the system. 与传统的辅助能源应用方式相比,该辅助电压缩式制冷系统能更高效地利用常规能源,提高新型太阳能喷射制冷系统的综合节能效果。
- Research and analysis for open absorption refrigeration cycle driven by hot air heated by solar energy 以空气为携热介质的开式太阳能吸收式制冷循环研究与分析
- Investigation on the distributed energy system for cooling-heating-power combined cycle driven by solar energy 太阳能冷热电联供分布式能源系统的研究
- Research and Analysis on the Characteristic of the Open Energy Storage Heat Pump Cycle Driven by Solar Energy Using Air as Heat Carrying Medium 以空气为携热介质的开式太阳能蓄能热泵循环研究与分析
- Performance Analyzing and Optimizing for Solid Adsorption Refrigeration System driven by Solar Energy with Rotating Wheel 太阳能驱动的固体吸附式转轮制冷系统的性能分析及优化
- Effect of Adsorption Bed Inner Characteristic on Solid Adsorption Refrigeration System with Rotating Wheel Driven by Solar Energy 吸附床内部特性对固体吸附式转轮太阳能制冷系统的影响
- Solar energy can produce electricity by solar energy cells or by high temperature steam produced in a solar tower. 太阳能通过太阳能电池或太阳能聚热塔中所产生的高温蒸汽发电。
- The fossile fuel (coal,crude oil,natural gas etc.) will be replaced by solar energy in the future. 第5楼:回覆主题:未来将是何种能源会取代石油呢?发表时间:2008/10/9上午11:39
- "HTV" craft is developed by Aerospace Research Institution.It has cylinder-shaped and activated by solar energy. 日本第一艘无人太空货运飞船“HTV”由宇宙航空研究开发机构研制。
- RTH Solar Mobile Chargers are charged by solar energy .The external power and wires are not necessar... 发布者:张淑丽所在地:福建福州市行业:能源职位:外销员工作年限:
- Through the cyclic refrigeration with solid absorption by solar energy, absorbent bed, condenser and evaporator with no valves to design a new ice maker in solar energy are used. 在太阳能固体吸附循环制冷的基础上;采用无阀机构连接优化设计后的吸附床、冷凝器、蒸发器;构建成新型无阀机构的太阳能冰箱.
- The limitation of the single-effect LiBr absorption chilling circle driven by the low temperature solar energy heat source require adopting auxiliary means for proper operation. 由于单效溴化锂吸收制冷循环受太阳能热源温度较低的限制,需要采用适当的辅助手段。
- The engines are driven by steam. 这些发动机是由蒸汽驱动的。