- Xujing protraits 虚静说
- Would you like to take a bust, a profile, or a full-length protrait? 你要照半身照、侧面照还是全身照?
- Atmosphere: quality: the wind around the year is 8 month from southeast, it breezes the sea wind to Xujing, it cleans the dust. 空气质量:上海每年有8个月的东南季风,将干净的海风吹入徐泾,降尘量为市中心的十分之一。
- Xujing, a district on the eastside of Qingpu therefore has the great opportunity to develop.Its development will impact on the industry movement and improvement. 青浦区是江浙两省进入虹桥综合交通枢纽的门户和主要通道,青浦区东部的徐泾地区面临着极大的发展机遇,对于青浦区调整产业结构和提升产业能级无疑会起到巨大的推动作用。
- Suddenly, my foot seem quilt what things Ban once, I bend over to look below, ah!BE who drop this SUMIKU dewdrop intense emotion protrait here. 突然,我的脚下好像被什么东西绊了一下,我低头一看,呀!是谁把这个SUMIKU的露点激情写真掉在这里了。
- Chen xujing's monism of sovereignty and pluralism of sovereignty is dialectics.Wu conclude his the thought of sovereignty state that both demands for sovereignty and human rights. 但是,陈序经的主权可分论与主权一元论不是对立的,他对国家主权也是极力维护的,可以把陈序经的主权思想表述为对主权与人权的双重诉求。
- The oil painting behind my laptop computer is my idol-Velazquez's work.I admire him .The sketch on the right side is my copy from another artist-Ingres.I like his protrait painting very muche. 电脑后面那副油画是我的偶像,委拉斯贵支的画,激励我好好画画,电脑右边的素描是我临摹安格尔的,很喜欢他的肖像画。
- A Discussion on Chen Xujing's Concept of Culture 论陈序经的文化概念
- Postscript to "A Letter Addressed to Chen Xujing by Chen Yinke" "陈寅恪致陈序经函"跋语
- On the Four Meanings of Chen Xujing's Theory of Full-Blooded Westernization 陈序经全盘面化理论的四层涵义
- A Common on Chen Xujing's Cultural View of the"Wholesale Westernization" 陈序经的“全盘西化”文化观评析
- so what is the meanings of "have a skylight if you would like too take outdoor protrait"????? 用尽旧镜微距能力,专人指导使用微距滤镜,拍尽微距世界!
- Xujing 虚静
- theory of "Xujing" 虚静说
- "Xujing" 虚静
- Chen Xujing 陈序经