- Xujiahe Formatin 须家河组
- Tuber-like-organ formatin, haustorium formation and bud formation are key steps of C. tubulosa seedling development. 结论:寄生过程遵循种子萌发长出芽管,接触寄主根形成吸器并侵入寄主根,管花肉苁蓉幼体出现3个阶段。
- C.G. Hempel (1953), Methods of Concept Formatin in Science, Chicago: International Encyclopedia of United Science. 欧阳钟仁(1981);现代启发教学法;:幼狮文化事业公司出版.
- The results indicate that the natural gas of the Xujiahe Formation mainly derived form the lower strata. 结果表明,研究区须家河组的天然气主要来源于下伏地层。
- The result shows that oil and gas from Xujiahe group mainly comes from autogenic coal source rock,and bind is main. 指出须家河组油气主要来自须家河组自身的煤系烃源岩,并以煤系泥岩贡献为主;
- The heat insulation layers are mainly the red sandstone rock, coal layer, mudstone rock of the Xujiahe Group, the Jura Upper Trias System.P... 大气降水通过岩溶槽谷下渗至热储层 ,在深部沿断裂构造线由北向南迳流 ,并在地表减压最大处 ,如河谷地段等 ,排出地表而形成温泉。
- Because of the rational boundary of subject, the complexity of object as well as its indetermination, integration has some restrictive conditions while system formatin... 它在系统形成中因集成主体的理性界限和集成对象客体的复杂性与不确定性而存在约束条件.
- Because Xujiahe group deposit in west Sichuan is fractured detrital rocks,exploration of gas reservoir is rather difficult. 川西地区须家河组储层为裂缝性致密碎屑岩,气藏勘探难度大。
- At last, through a case study of the gamma inversion in T gasfield of East Sichuan Basin, we predict the sandbody distribution of Xujiahe formation. 最后通过川东T气田伽玛反演的实例说明该方法的应用, 预测了T气田须家河组砂体展布,取得了较好的效果。
- Xujiahe sandstone formation is a set of typical low pressure and tight gas reservoir in the Hebaochang-Jishichang Area between central and southern Sichuan Basin. 摘要四川盆地川南、川中过渡带荷包场-界石场地区的须家河组砂岩储层是一套典型的低压致密储集层。
- The conclusions show that Xujiahe Formation mainly deposited on alluvial fans, lacustrine deltas, lacustrine facies, marine deltas facies, shoreline facies and bay facies. 结果表明:研究区内主要发育了冲积扇、湖相三角洲、湖泊、海相三角洲、滨岸和海湾六种主要的沉积相类型;
- Growths of gas reserves, production and economic benefits are stagnant at present, and exploration of deep Xujiahe Formation has been faced with big challenges. 目前,正处于储量、产量、效益徘徊的局面,特别是深层上三叠统须家河组天然气勘探遇到了巨大的困难。
- Based on the stratigraphic framework, the sedimentary facies of the fourth and fifth members of Xujiahe formation in the whole Sichuan basin is thoroughly investigated. 通过研究认为,须四段主要为灰黄色、灰白色厚层中细砂岩,发育三角洲平原沉积和三角洲前缘沉积;
- There exist 3 sets of caprocks of upper Triassic-lower Jurassic, mid Triassic Badong Formatin and lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation and the direct caprock of overlapping gas reservoir. 摘要石柱地区上组合气藏具备上三叠统-下侏罗统、中三叠统巴东组和下三叠统嘉陵江组3套区域盖层,以及气层上覆的直接盖层;
- There exist 3 sets of caprocks of upper Triassic-lower Jurassic,mid Triassic Badong Formatin and lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation and the direct caprock of overlapping gas reservoir. 石柱地区上组合气藏具备上三叠统下侏罗统、中三叠统巴东组和下三叠统嘉陵江组3套区域盖层,以及气层上覆的直接盖层;石柱复向斜盖层的宏观封闭性能较好,直接盖层的微观封闭性能也较优越;
- In the present work, sequence-paleogeographic mapping is implemented on the s econd member of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Fm. and the Upper Jurassic Ponlaizhen g Fm. in western Sichuan, China, with system tracks taken as the mapping units. 研究重点选择上三叠统须家河组二段和上侏罗统蓬莱镇组,按体系域进行层序-岩相古地理编图。
- The main depositional systems identified in No 1 member of Xujiahe formation, which developed in early late-Triassic gulf of NW Sichuan basin, include carbonate platform, bartier island-lagoon, and braid delta, etc. 川西北地区上三叠统须一段形成于海湾盆地背景下,主要由碳酸盐岩台地、障壁岛-泻湖及辫状三角洲等沉积体系组成。
- Due to the success of drilling for gas in No.4 member of Xujiahe formation in Guan well 8 in Guannan structure,the continental elastic exploration in Chishui area has been broken through primarily. 随着官南构造官8井须家河组四段气藏的钻探成功,赤水地区陆相碎屑岩勘探取得了初步突破。
- Based on the sandstone compositions analysis of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Western Sichuan Basin,the authors tried to discuss the paleogeographic evolution of the study area. 作者单位:成都理工大学“油气藏地质与开发工程”国家重点实验室沉积地质研究院;
- Xujiahe Formation of Upper Triassic 上三叠统须家河组