- New Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai Come Out. 新版林黛玉、薛宝钗新鲜出炉!
- The tragic love triangle of Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai is the centerpiece of the play. 该戏的中心是贾宝玉、林黛玉和薛宝钗三个人的悲剧爱情故事!
- "Jinzan snow Liman" refers to the Jinzan Xue Baochai Figure in general, buried in snow, it is not, Xue Baochai necessarily imply that the situation was left out in the cold miser. "金簪雪里埋",是指薛宝钗如图里的金簪一般,被埋在雪里,也是不得其所,暗示薛宝钗必然遭到冷落孤寒的境遇。
- The ballet "Lin Daiyu"selected from the lengthy novel is a moving story of love between Lin Daiyu, Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai, and follows their conflicts and tragic fate. 芭蕾舞剧《林黛玉》撷取最动人的爱情故事--林黛玉、贾宝玉和薛宝钗之间的感情纠葛及最终的悲剧结局,
- Abstract: As remarkable women living in the environment of turbulent and incarcerated, Xue Baochai, Bai Liusu and Wang Qiyao developed sophisticated intelligence in their difficult lives. 作为生活在世纪末动荡而幽闭的生存环境中而又令人瞩目的女子,即所谓乱世佳人,薛宝钗、白流苏、王绮瑶在艰难的生存中练就了世事洞明、人情练达的智慧。
- Xue Baochai--an experienced and worldly-wise character 人情练达薛宝钗
- Red Mansions Chants the Ending Hengwu Leaves a Reputation--The New Probe of the Artistic Figure of Xue Baochai 红楼唱晚蘅芜流芳--薛宝钗艺术形象新探
- Xue Baochai 薛宝钗
- Tojingbu Xue Points of Head and Neck, EX-HN. 头颈部穴。
- Wo de xin ye piao zhe xue And my heart is snowing. 我的心也飘着雪。
- Xiongfubu Xue Points of Chest and Abdomen, Ex-CA. 胸腹部穴。
- Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. 2006; 4 (1) : 78?79. 中西医结合学报。
- Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2006; 86 (10) : 693?699. 中华医学杂志。
- My name is Xue Jianping.Xue is the last name. 我的名字是薛建平。薛是我的姓。
- You Nan turns up at the date and pulls Xue Qi away. 幼男出现在约会地点,硬把雪七拉走。
- Series Xizang xue wen xian cong shu bie ji. 西藏学文献丛书别辑.
- "Xue Li Tun goods" is a unique new school motto. “敦品励学”是学校新颖独特的校训。
- Then, xue songke wei re your lawful, wedded wife? 好,雪松愿意接受薇儿为你的合法妻子吗?
- Does happy windmill borrow advisory Xue Folan? 咨询雪佛兰乐风车贷?
- What is engine oil of Xue Folan former plant? 雪佛兰原厂机油是什么呢?