- Xu Fu's East Crossing 徐福东渡
- Based on the previous researches, the papergives a systematic analysis about three problems of Xu Fu's eastward sailing: its purpose, starting point and destination. 文章在前人观点的基础上,对徐福东渡的目的、启航地、目的地问题展开了探讨。
- While there is no conclusive evidence of Xu Fu's landing in Japan, the local Japanese people of the two places seem to be convinced of it. 对徐福去日本一事,当地的日本人确信无疑。
- Peofessor xu fu song has affluent experience andhis empirical formula of "JU JING TANG" is effective in treating this disease,However the mechanism is not clear. 导师徐福松教授在此方面积累了丰富的经验,用其经验方“聚精汤”治疗此类病人效果显著,但机理不是很明确。
- Last, to lie in probing into China’s East Asian Regionalism recently. 最后的落脚点在于探讨中国近期关于东亚地区的地区战略。
- In each of the two Japanese cities of Shingu and Kumano today there is a tomb of Xu Fu to which the local inhabitants from time to time go and pay their respects. Some of them do claim that they are descendants of Xu Fu. 至今,日本的新宫市和熊野市仍有“徐福墓”,当地人经常去祭扫,有些日本人也承认: 自己就是徐福的后代。
- Of what happened after this, the Historical Memoirs gives no account. According to popular legends, Xu Fu with his large fleet and virgin boys and girls eventually landed in today's Japan. 以后的情况如何,《史记》上没有记载,但是民间一直流传说: 徐福带着庞大的船队,载着数千名童男童女,最后去了日本国。
- His first film roles were very small, but he was given a leading role in 1955's East of Eden, playing Cal Trask. 他最初的几个角色都无足轻重,不过在1955年他获得了主演《伊甸园之东》的机会,饰演卡尔?特拉斯克。
- Festivities begin at the James Joyce Tower, which is on the seashore, a half mile south of Dun Laoghaire on Ireland' s east coast. 庆祝活动从詹姆斯·乔伊斯塔开始。 乔伊斯塔在爱尔兰东海岸栋拉雷市以南半英里的海滨。
- This poll, voted on by members of the WGA's East Coast and West Coast branches, was created to honor the best of the written word on the big screen. 此次评选由来自美国作家协会东西海岸分会的成员投票表决,目的是为了赞誉和颂扬电影中的最佳话语。
- Mr. Xu Fu, A Leading Scholar of Our Time 一代宗师徐复先生
- It’s east is ShangHai and west is HangZhou.Ascendant position and special human culture environment gestated our lively LuFeng Electronics Factory. 优越的地理位置,独特的人文环境蕴育了生机无限的绿风电子。
- North Korea may yet dominate America’s East Asia policy and attempt to drive wedges between America and its friends, as it did under Mr Bush. 朝鲜也许还会占据美国东亚的政策主要位置,并且试图挑拨美国和其盟友的关系,如同在布什时期所做的那样。
- The study was conducted so that in the evening, when the Moon was a waxing crescent, the reflected earthshine originated from Indian Ocean and Africa’s east coast. 研究的机理是这样的:在晚上,当月亮是正在充盈的月牙形时,地照的反射来自印度洋和非洲东海岸。
- If the virus is occoring suddenly in Mainland S East Asia, I would say the outbreak is undercontrol since if they do we could , and the resoures is there to deal with them. 病毒明显是在东南亚大陆爆发的,从某种意义上说,我敢说这次病毒爆发在我们的控制中,一旦出现,我们的后备资源都到位了。
- The Legend of XU Fu and Qin People's Eastward Voyage 徐福的传说与秦民东渡
- ”Xu Fu will kibitz newly for Personal Access Phone System's future. 徐福新为小灵通的未来支招。
- His Chinese kung fu is peerless. 他的中国功夫是无敌的。
- Are you related to Uncle Xu of our village? 你和我们村的徐大爷是亲戚吗?
- "What's the next move, then?" Demanded Xiao Xu. 小许问道:"那么下一步怎么办?"