- Sichuan Xinhua Bookstore Group Inc. 四川省新华书店集团有限责任公司。
- I'll meet you in front of Xinhua Bookstore. 我在新华书店门口等你。
- Welcome To Xinhua Bookstore Again! 新华书店门口也有这样一块牌子
- Father and I went to Xinhua bookstore yesterday. 父亲和我昨天到新华书店去过。
- Well, maybe Xinhua bookstore has some. 喔,新华书店有可能会有。
- Excuse me. Could you tell me which way XinHua bookstore is? 打扰一下,你能告诉我去新华书店该怎么走吗?
- Xinhua Bookstore Advanced Education Office Service Dept. 爱知书店。
- Is this dictionary the one that you bought in the Xinhua Bookstore? 这本字典是你在新华书店买的那本吗?
- The book was bought in the Beijing Xinhua Bookstore. 此书购于北京新华书店。
- Yes, there are also the Xinhua Bookstore and the New Dong'an Market there. 是的,那里还有新华书店和新东安市场。
- Can We Fully Carry Out the Preferential Policies in Finance and Tax Formulated for Xinhua Bookstore? 新华书店的财税优惠政策能否不打折?
- Where did you buy the dictionary, in the book store nearby or in Xinhua bookstore? 你在哪儿买的这本词典,是在附近的书店还是在新华书店?
- WITe did you buy the dictionary, in the book store nearby or in Xinhua bookstore? 你在哪儿买的这本辞典,是在附近的书店还得在新华书店?
- ZD Xinhua Bookstore must improve their comprehensive competitiveness and find its own way out. 挖掘品牌的优势,寻找新出路,提高综合竞争力。
- The paper will contribute to the solution of problems faced by ZD Xinhua Bookstore,and help other practitioners. 本文对ZD新华书店经营困境的分析及提出的发展战略希望能对相关的从业者提供帮助和借鉴。
- The language dictionary refers to English, those language dictionaries of Korean, please go to Xinhua Bookstore to buy by oneself! 语言词典是指英文、韩文那些语言词典,请自己到新华书店购买!
- It is an beneficial attempt to adopt the advantages of chain running model to transform the old running model for Xinhua Bookstore. 摘要在新华书店系统利用连锁经营的优越性改造旧的经营模式是一种有益的尝试;
- ZD Xinhua Bookstore was established in 1937,is the important state-owned issue enterprises with long-history and widespread channel. ZD新华书店成立于1937年,是我国历史最悠久、业务辐射范围最广泛的重要的国有发行渠道。
- In the 许绍 mountain view, Xinhua Bookstore and paper are inseparable, “ Xinhua Bookstore is the paper and the mainstream microreader sales channels. 在许绍山看来,新华书店和电纸书是密不可分的,“新华书店是电纸书和阅读器销售的主流渠道。”
- This creation of Xinhua Bookstore, in addition to domestic purchase in book, spend 300 pounds to complete the registration process the bookstore. 此次开设新华书店,除了从国内采购图书外,中图仅花费300英镑就完成了书店注册程序。