- Finally applying the equation for Xiaowan hydropower station , logically instruct the designment of the different construction requirement in the station. 最后将回归出的关系式应用到小湾水电站工程中,对不同要求的施工给出合理的设计指导。
- double arch dam of Xiaowan Hydropower Station 小湾双曲拱坝
- Introduction to the Xiaowan Hydropower Station in Lancang River 澜沧江小湾水电站概况
- Dynamic design of slope excavation works of Xiaowan Hydropower Station 动态设计中的小湾水电站边坡工程
- Emulational research on mechanical disposal of Xiaowan Hydropower Station placement based on abundance rule 基于充裕度规则的小湾水电站坝体浇筑机械布置仿真研究
- Reinforcement measures for watering gully deposit body at Xiaowan Hydropower Station 小湾水电站饮水沟堆积体失稳加固措施
- Primary Discussing on Familiar Questions of Prestressed Anchor Cable Construction in Xiaowan Hydropower Station 小湾电站预应力锚索施工常见问题初步探讨
- Analysis on Axis-supporting Articulation Contact Problem for Operating Radial Gate in Xiaowan Hydropower Station 小湾水电站弧形工作闸门轴铰接触分析
- Experimental Study on Stress Distribution in Bond Body of Prestressed Anchor Rope of Xiaowan Hydropower Station 小湾水电站预应力锚索锚固段应力分布规律的现场试验研究
- Characteristics and Mechanism of Slope Deformation Controlled by Slow Dips Joint at No.4 of Xiaowan Hydropower Station 某电站缓裂控制边坡的变形特征及其机理探讨
- 2-D DEM and FEM Analysis on Stability of Depo sit Body in Front of Dam on the Left Bank of Xiaowan Hydropower Station 小湾水电站左岸坝前堆积体在自然状态下稳定性的平面离散元与有限元分析
- An Approach to the Application of the Cylinder Valve Technology in the Large-sized Water Turbines for the Xiaowan Hydropower Station 筒形阀技术的发展及其在小湾巨型水轮机应用的探讨
- Structural Characteristics of Deposit Body in Front of Dam on the Left Bank of Xiaowan Hydropower Station and Its Stability Study 小湾水电站左岸坝前堆积体结构特征及稳定性研究
- Scale control of deep-hole blasting in benches in high slope excavation for the construction of Xiaowan Hydropower Station 小湾水电站高边坡开挖深孔梯段爆破的规模控制
- Unloading Characteristic Evaluation of Xiaowan Hydropower Station's Foundation Rock Mass by Borehole Elasticity Modulus Method 钻孔弹模法评价小湾水电站坝基岩体卸荷特征
- Study of Analogue Simulation of Underground Chamber Group Construction and Construction Period for Construction of Underground Powerhouse of Xiaowan Hydropower Station 小湾水电站地下厂房施工期洞室群施工仿真模拟的研究
- Influence of Jinping I Hydropower Station on Us? 锦屏一级电站将带给我们什么?
- Dongfeng hydropower station is open ski spillway. 东风水电站溢洪道为明流滑雪式溢洪道。
- Myanmar Yeywa hydropower station. 缅甸耶涯水电站
- Xiaowan Hydropower Station 小湾水电站