- The Shift Mode of Radio-Frequency Remote Control 射频遥控切换方式
- However, vikings can still move in and out combat by shifting modes. 维京的攻击范围是不是还会增加,就像机器人那样升级攻击范围?
- An hour later they came off the night shift. 一个钟头之后他们下夜班了。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- He is squaring away to write a new chapter. 他正准备动手写新的一章。
- He had to make shift with what was on hand. 他只好用现有的东西将就应付。
- He always tries to shift the blame to someone else. 他总是试图将过错推卸给别人。
- I have no time at all to write to you. 我根本没时间给你写信。
- He had to make a shift with what was on hand. 他只好用现有的东西将就应付。
- He get angry with me for not have write. 他因我不给他写信对我生气。
- No detergent can shift these stains. 任何清洁剂都不能除掉这些污迹。
- I want to write down what you just said. 我想把你方才所说的写下来。
- You have to shift as you drive around the corner. 你拐角时要换挡变速。
- I'll write you later in regard to this matter. 关于这个问题以后我给你写信。
- The spacecraft was in its recovery mode. 这艘飞船处于返回状态。
- They were taking turns to be on the night shift. 他们轮流做夜班。
- The play was nothing (much) to write home about. 这出戏很一般。
- Should I shift gears before making a turn? 我拐弯之前该不该换挡?
- Please write me a summary of this report. 请替我写一份这份报告的摘要。
- He changed his whole mode of life. 他改变了整个生活方式。