- Wow, Xxx, time really flies. 是阿,时间过得好快喔。
- Time really flies! The time has come for us to say good-bye. 时间过得真快,到了我们该说再见的时候了。
- Happy time really flies. 快乐的时光总是过得很快。
- Tis you alone that sweetens life, and makes one wish the wings of time were clipt, which not only seems but really flies away too fast, much too fast, for those that love ... 婚姻仅仅是幸福生活的开端。我们的爱情金线已经织出一幅美满无比的共同生活的画卷。
- Bolton: Did we really fly all this way to play more basketball? 我们千里迢迢飞过来就是为了再多打会儿篮球?
- Me winning all the time really is getting rather tiresome. 每次都赢实在让人无聊。
- Why did the time really like to murder all the glamour? 为什么时光真的喜欢杀死所有的魔力呢?
- The days really flew during our vacation. 假期日子过得真快。
- The padrone made her feel very small and at the same time really important. 老板使她觉得这事虽小,却也是挺要紧的。
- The days really flew during our vacation . 假期日子过得真快。
- The book is teaching him how to play poker, build a go-cart from scratch, how to fold a paper glider so that it really flies, to makes a paper water bomb and much, much more. 这本书教他怎样玩扑克,怎样从零开始建造玩具车,怎样用纸折叠真正能飞的滑翔机,怎样制造纸做的水雷,以及其它许多许多。
- The full measure of his detachment had for the first time really struck home to her. 她第一次真正理解了他冷漠的全部含义。
- We are curious to learn whether a caboose can really fly like it does on the cover of the book! 我们好奇的想知道,火车尾是否能真的像书的封面上那样飞起来。
- The good times always feel really flies, and unknowingly ended the trip to Beijing. I reluctantly, hoping Beijing next winter vacation can come to play! 美好的时光总是觉得过得很快,不知不觉中结束了北京之行。我恋恋不舍,希望下次放寒假还能再来北京玩!
- Time really doesn't heal,it just gives the bitterness and resentment longer to eat away at you from inside. 实际上,时间不会治愈创伤,而会让愤懑和仇恨更长时间地吞噬你的内心。
- Time really doesn't heal, it just gives the bitterness and resentment longer to eat away at you from inside. 实际上,时间不会治愈创伤,而会让愤懑和仇恨更长时间地吞噬你的内心。
- Time really does erase everything; you've managed to forget even that afternoon you spent walking this road, hungry. 岁月真能消蚀一切哪,饿着肚子走了半天的路,居然也会被忘掉。
- If time really reincarnation, I wish to return to the beginning of life, as their ancestors did, re-lives the war. 如果时光真的轮回,我愿重新回到生命之初,像先人那样,重新接受生命的洗礼。
- Nevertheless, atomic clocks are accurate enough to record the shift and confirm that time really is stretched by motion. 然而,原子钟的精准度确实能记录这个时间差,并验证时间真的会因运动而拉长。
- The new play at the National Theatre's a wow. 国家剧院上演的那出新剧极为轰动。