- World Tour Of New Zealand 新西兰之旅
- The earliest people of New Zealand is Maori. 新西兰最早的居民是毛利人。
- Cook charted the coast of New Zealand in 1768. 库克于1768年绘制了新西兰的海岸图。
- Describe the National flag of New Zealand. 描述新西兰的国旗。
- Who's the sovereign of New Zealand? 新西兰的君主是谁?
- The Photograhpic Society of New Zealand Inc. 新西兰摄影学会。
- What is the capital of New Zealand? 新西兰的首都是哪个城市?
- What's the population of New Zealand? 新西兰的人口有多少?
- But before they begin their new job, Lucky and Flo will go on a world tour of cities such as Hong Kong and Singapore, just as movie stars go on tour to promote their latest films. 如同电影明星到各地宣传新片一样,拉基和弗洛将会前往香港和新加坡在内的城市进行环球旅行。
- What's the total area of New Zealand? 新西兰的面积有多大?
- Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. 威灵顿是新西兰的首都。
- Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. 新西兰公开科技大学。
- The kiwi is the native bird of New Zealand. 几维是新西兰德国鸟。
- Wellington is the capital of New Zealand . 惠灵顿是新西兰的首都。.
- Avril has brought its world tour of the original class people and audio equipment, though the stage is not luxury, but fans will soon be brought into her "rock the world. 艾薇儿带来了其世界巡演的原班人马和音响设备,舞台虽然不算豪华,但还是很快将歌迷带入了她的“摇滚世界”。
- The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. 新西兰的首都是惠灵顿。
- Its connection with the game of rugby goes back to the late 19th century, when the New Zealand Native Team performed one on an unofficial tour of Britain. 它与橄榄球运动的联系可以追溯到19世纪末,新西兰土著球队队在英国各地进行非正式比赛期间表演了这种舞蹈。
- David Fagan of New Zealand won the previous world title in 2003. 澳大利亚选手再次赢得了剪羊毛冠军。
- The tuatara of New Zealand is the only extant rhynchocephalian.. 纽西兰的蜥蜴为目前硕果仅存的喙头类动物。
- Auckland was the capital of New Zealand for some time. 奥克兰曾是新西兰的首都。