- From now on you can work on your own. 你从现在起可以独立工作了。
- You can work on your own or in pairs . 你们可以单独或两个一组工作。
- Note there is no lecture on MATLAB? Day 3, but rather you are to work on your own to solve Problem Set 3. 注意,MATLAB?第三天课并没有讲师授课,相反地你要自己解出第三个作业。
- Is it true you worked on this on your own,didn't consult Wilhelmina or anyone else? 那些确实是你个人的主意?你没有咨询过Wilhelmina或其他人?
- Work on your own to learn more about the host city and the Olympics in general as well as about the sports, the venues and the participating athletes. 主动去了解更多的关于主办城市和奥运会整体的知识,当然还有各项运动,比赛地点和参与的运动员的信息。
- The mechanic was at work on your bicycle then. 当时修理工在修理你的自行车。
- This level of security is generally sufficient when you work on your own computer but might be a security issue if you use this evidence when you deploy the solution. 在自己的计算机上工作时此安全级别通常可满足要求,但如果在部署解决方案时使用此证据,则可能出现安全问题。
- Work on your own. 独自做练习。
- Nobody is ordering you to some to work, but it will be on your own head if the job is not finished on time. 没有人命令你来工作,要是这活儿到时候没有干完,那就得由你们负责了。
- I think you ought to be able to stand on your own legs. 我认为你应该能够自立了。
- You should work on your fade a little more. 你应该多练一下你的右偏球。
- It is vain to hold on your own view. 固执己见是没有用的。
- The decision to quit work will be on your own head and not me. 放弃工作的决定由你负责,而不是我。
- It is a dangerous plan, one you'll have to follow up on your own account. 这是一项危险的计划,你要继续干下去,就得自己担风险。
- Why don't you work on your dribble? 你何不去练习一下你的运球呢?
- You should work on your serve a little more. 你要多练习一下你的发球。
- To speak well, you should work on your intonation. 要说的好听,您必须要练习您的语调。
- Did you move all this furniture on your own ? 你是自己搬的这些家具吗?
- Quit screwing around and work on your paper, Max! 不要胡闹了,作你的报告去吧!
- You must learn to stand on your own two feet. 你必须学会独立生活。