- Work during work hours. 工作时间只干工作。
- I can be reached at my office during work hours and at home in the evening. 作时间我在办公室,晚上我在家,你们都能找到我。
- Don't fool around during working hours. 在工作时间内别瞎闹。
- Must be able to remain in work area on telephone using headset during work hours. 必须能够长时间坐在办公地点使用耳机接听电话。
- Workers in this factory are not allowed out during working hours. 这个工厂的工人上班时间不得出门。
- You might want to think twice before making another personal call during work hours. 上班时间打私人电话可得“三思而后行”了。
- According to company regulations, workers must wear work clothes during work hours. 公司规定上班时间必须穿劳动服。
- We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours. 工作时间内我们不得喝酒。
- Your salary will be reduced if you leave your job during working hours, so get back to work quickly. 脱岗是要扣工资的,还不赶快回去工作。
- During working hours,he may be joking and talking with you and making you feel included. 上班时间他们会和你开开玩笑,聊聊天,使你感到你也是他们中的一员。
- Could you meet me at my home? You see, I can't meet anyone during working hours. 你到我家里来见我好吗?你知道,工作时间我不能会客。
- Strictly prohibit to drink during working hours ,the disobeyer will be quit ,the serious will be fired out. 四、严禁在工作时间饮酒,违者予以纪律处分,造成严重后果的予以辞退或者开除。
- During working hours, the mileage taken on driving to the designates place that party S requires will be counted. 期间司机空驶到达甲方其他指定地点之里程亦算作甲方使用里程.
- Any man who is slow or lazy, or any man that you notice talking more than is necessary during working hours, you must report him to Mr. Hunter. 如果发现有人手脚慢,磨洋工,或者工作时间讲废话等等,你必须报告亨特先生。
- At a wood-carving workshop in the central Bali, owner Made Budiarsa said most of his 75 craftsmen often sleep around huge chunks of log during working hours. 在巴厘岛中心的一家木雕作坊,老板马德·布迪尔萨说他手下有75名工匠,大多数人在上班时间都在大块的木头边打瞌睡。
- At a wood-carving workshop in the central Bali,owner Made Budiarsa said most of his 75 craftsmen often sleep around huge chunks of log during working hours. 在巴厘岛中心的一家木雕作坊,老板马德·布迪尔萨说他手下有75名工匠,大多数人在上班时间都在大块的木头边打瞌睡。
- It's because I do not like to fix work hour. 这是因为我不喜欢固定的工作时间。
- Drivers must adhere to all local traffic regulations and speed limits and never consume alcohol during working hours or be under the influence of alcohol when driving. 天黑之后允许在市区内行驶;驾驶员必须遵守当地各项交通规则和限速,在工作期间不得饮酒或者开车时处于酒精影响之下。
- The workers welcomed the shortening of work hours. 工人们欢迎缩短工作时间。
- I plan my day's work during the morning commute. 我在早晨上班的路上计划我一天的工作。