- Wore a gorgeous Victorian gown. 穿着一件维多利亚时期的华丽的长袍
- a gorgeous Victorian gown. 一件维多利亚时代的华丽长袍。
- She wore a black silk evening gown. 她穿着一件黑色丝质晚礼服。
- "Dainty Biscuit" wears a gorgeous dress accented with roses and lace. “精致点心”的衣着充分使用华丽的玫瑰蕾丝花边。
- The doctor in the hospital wore a gown. 医院里的医生穿一件大褂。
- Eva wore a stunning gown to the ball. 伊娃穿了件很漂亮的晚礼服参加舞会。
- She wears a translucent silk gown. 她穿着半透明丝质长袍。
- She wore a white satin gown trimmed with lace. 她穿着一条饰有蕾丝花边的白色缎子长裙。
- The children have a gorgeous time in the amusement park. 孩子们在露天游乐场玩得快活极了。
- My wife wore a drop-dead evening gown at the party. (内人在宴会中穿著一件引人注目的漂亮晚礼服。)
- He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. 他的扣洞上了一朵红色康乃馨。
- He wore a mask so that no one should recognize him. 他戴了一个面罩,使别人认不出他来。
- She wore a diamond clip on her new dress. 她在新衣服上戴了一枚钻石别针。
- It was raining and on that account I wore a hat. 天正在下雨,因此我戴了一顶帽子。
- She wore a silver chain around her neck. 她脖子上戴着一条银项链。
- She wore a wide belt round her waist. 她束了一条宽腰带。
- Zhang ai ling life is a gorgeous gown with lice crawling over. 张爱玲,生命是一袭华美的袍,爬满了虱子。
- She wore a dress trimmed with tinsel. 她穿着饰有亮片的连衣裙。
- She wore a small comb as an ornament. 她佩戴了一把小梳子作为装饰品。
- She wore a single orchid on her evening dress. 她在晚礼服上缀着一朵兰花。