- African woody vines: calabar beans. 产于非洲的一个木质藤本植物属;其果实为加拉巴尔豆。
- Genus of Old World tropical shrubs and woody vines. 旧大陆热带的灌木和木质藤属。
- Semierect shrubs or woody vines, to 3 m tall. 近直立灌木或木质藤本植物,在3米高。
- Herbs twining or woody vines, rarely erect, small herbs. 缠绕草本或者木质藤本,很少直立的小草本。
- Small trees or woody vines, evergreen, hermaphroditic, unarmed. 小乔木或木质的藤本植物,常绿,两性,无刺。
- Herbs perennial or annual, sometimes subshrubs or herbaceous or woody vines. 多年生或者一年生草本,有时亚灌木,或者草质或者木质藤本植物。
- Any of various usually woody vines of the genus Derris of tropical Asia, whose roots yield the insecticide rotenone. 鱼藤属植物一种热带亚洲的鱼藤属的木本植物,其根会产生能杀死昆虫的鱼藤酮
- Woody vine having bright green leaves and racemes of rose-tinted white flowers; the swollen roots contain rotenone. 木本藤蔓植物,有亮绿色叶子和带玫瑰色的白花组成的总状花序;膨大的根中包含鱼藤酮。
- Any of various usually woody vines of the genus Derris of tropical Asia,whose roots yield the insecticide rotenone. 鱼藤属植物一种热带亚洲的鱼藤属的木本植物,其根会产生能杀死昆虫的鱼藤酮
- Woody vines, evergreen, hermaphroditic or andromonoecious, creeping or climbing by aerial roots, unarmed. 木质藤本植物,常绿,两性或雄花两性花同株,匍匐或攀援以气生根,无刺。
- Prostrate or twining woody vine with small leathery leaves and umbels of red flowers,Australia and Tasmania. 匍匐或缠绕木质藤蔓植物,有似皮革的小叶子和红色伞状花序,澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚岛。
- A woody vine(Vitis rotundifolia) of the southeast United States,bearing a musky grape used to make wine. 圆叶葡萄一种产于美国东南部的树木茂密的葡萄树(圆叶葡萄葡萄属),结有一种有麝香味的葡萄用来制葡萄酒
- A woody vine(Vitis rotundifolia)of the southeast United States,bearing a musky grape used to make wine. 圆叶葡萄一种产于美国东南部的树木茂密的葡萄树(圆叶葡萄葡萄属),结有一种有麝香味的葡萄用来制葡萄酒
- Any of numerous woody vines of the genus Vitis, bearing clusters of edible berries and widely cultivated in many species and varieties. 葡萄:多种葡萄属木本植物中的任何一种,有簇生可食用果实,被广泛栽培,有许多种类和变种
- Any of several climbing woody vines of the genus Wisteria in the pea family, having pinnately compound leaves and drooping racemes of showy purplish or white flowers. 紫藤一种豆科紫藤属的攀缘类木本植物,具有羽状复叶和下垂、鲜艳的紫或白色的总状花序
- Woody vines have the advantage which cannot be analogous in the vertical plants of city, consequently, it receives comprehensive study and application. 木本藤本植物在城市立体绿化中具有其他植物不可比拟的优势,因此也得到了广泛的研究与应用。
- A woody vine(Vitis rotundifolia) of the southeast United States, bearing a musky grape used to make wine. 圆叶葡萄一种产于美国东南部的树木茂密的葡萄树(圆叶葡萄葡萄属),结有一种有麝香味的葡萄用来制葡萄酒
- "The grape is usually a woody vine, climbing by means of tendrils.In arid regions it may form an almost erect shrub. 葡萄通常为木本蔓生植物,藉卷须攀缘,在干旱地区可以长成近乎直立的灌木。
- Any of several climbing woody vines of the genus Wisteria in the pea family,having pinnately compound leaves and drooping racemes of showy purplish or white flowers. 紫藤,一种豆科紫藤属的攀缘类木本植物,具有羽状复叶和下垂、鲜艳的紫或白色的总状花序。
- An evergreen, tendril-bearing woody vine(Bignonia capreolata), native chiefly to the southeast United States and having showy red-orange, trumpet-shaped flowers. 紫葳藤,比格诺藤一种四季常青的卷须结实的木藤蔓(比格诺藤比格诺藤属),主要生长在美国东南部,开漂亮的桔红色喇叭状花