- Her creations at that time of woman writer in different. 她的创作在当时的女性作家群中与众不同。
- In Asia American woman writer Maxine Hong Kingston's works, there is a strong sense of intertextuality. 摘要美国华裔女作家汤亭亭的作品弥漫着强烈的互文意识。
- Katherine Mansfield is a genius woman writer on the literary history of world not allowing neglect. 凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德是一位在世界文学史上不容忽略的天才女作家。
- Willa Cather (1873-1947) is a great American woman writer in American literary history. 威拉·凯瑟是美国文学史上杰出的女作家,以描述中西部拓荒生活著称。
- Willa Cather (1873-1947) is an outstanding woman writer in the history ofAmerican literature. 威拉·凯瑟(Willa Cather,1873-1947)是美国现代文学史上一位杰出的女作家。
- Toni Morrison is the first Afro-American woman writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature. 托妮·莫里森是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女作家 ,其巨作《宠儿》奠定了其作为一位杰出的美国小说家的地位。
- Tony Morrison is the first Afro-American woman writer who wins the Nobel Prize for Literature. 托尼.;莫里森是获得诺贝尔文学奖的第一位美国黑人女作家。
- Virginia Woolf (1882?941) is one of the most important English novelists as well as the most celebrated English woman writer of the 20th century. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是20世纪最重要的小说家之一。
- Even when Katherine Mansfield is canonized in English literature, she is often treated as a woman writer, a short story writer and a foreigner. 但是曼斯菲尔德对于英国文学以及整个现代主义文学的贡献,长期以来并未得到评论界应有的重视。
- The first novels "Yuchuanyuan" (A Love Story about Jade Bracelet) written by the woman writer was typical in such aspects. 第一部由女性创作的弹词小说《玉钏缘》就是这方面的典范。
- Alice Walker, one of the most contemporary influential black woman writer honors Hurston as "A Genius of the South" and her "literary foremother". 当代美国著名黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克赞誉赫斯顿为“南方天才”和她的“文学之母”。
- American contemporary woman writer, Alice Walker, has employed two totally different languages in her epistolary novel The Color Purple . 美国当代黑人女作家艾丽丝·沃克的长篇书信体小说《紫色》运用了两种截然不同的语言。
- An American modern woman writer, Edith Wharton(1862-1937) occupies an important position in realism of the late 19th and early 20th century. 美国现代女作家伊迪丝·华顿是19世纪末20世纪初现实主义文学的代表人物之一,同时也是一个在批评界多次引起争论的作家。
- Song of Solomon (1977) is one of the most prominent novels of famous Afro-American woman writer Toni Morrison in twentieth century. 《所罗门之歌》(1977)是二十世纪美国杰出黑人女作家托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison,1931-)的一部优秀黑人小说。
- A bright star, the woman writer Edith Wharton, rose from among the American literary circles in the beginning of the 20th century. 20世纪初,美国文坛上升起了一颗璀璨之星,即女作家伊迪丝·华顿。
- First of all, there is the fundamental theme that a woman writer may intuitively feel.This feel can be understood in terms of Sexton's being a "witch. 第一个主题可谓是每个女性写作者,实际上也是所有作者,直觉感到的基本主题,用塞克斯顿的话说,就是巫。
- Elizabeth Jolley is a well-known Australian woman writer in the world literature, critics consider her novels dark, grotesque, funny and appealing. 伊丽莎白?乔利是国际文坛著名的澳大利亚女作家。评论家认为她的作品晦涩难懂、怪诞离奇、滑稽可笑、哀怨有趣;
- Willa cather is the first woman writer in American literary history who devoted herself to the portrayal of the frontier life of pioneers in the middle west America. 威拉·凯瑟是美国文学史上第一位潜心描写美国中西部“拓荒时代”的伟大女作家。
- "I've got a plastic bag here," said my hotel roommate, a woman writer, who always carried several quietly-patterned handkerchiefs and plastic bags of various sizes in her handbag. “我这里有只塑料袋。” 说话的是我同屋那位女作家。 她的手提包里总是装着几块素净的小花手绢和一些大小不等的空袋子。
- Dorothy Parker, a famous American woman writer in the first half of the20( superscript th) century, played a key role in helping create Hemingway's legend. 摘要多罗茜?克是20世纪前半叶美国著名女作家,对帮助构建海明威传奇起到关键作用。