- The sun had gone down while he had been in the fight with the shark. 他刚才跟鲨鱼搏斗的时候,太阳已经落下去了。
- This volume only goes down to (ie only deals with the period up to) 1945. 这一卷涉及的时间仅至1945年。
- With the setting of the sun, night comes silently. 随着太阳的落下,夜晚悄悄地来到。
- Robert Jordan looked up at the thick gray of the sky with the sun gone faintly yellow. 罗伯特·乔丹仰望着灰沉沉的天空,只见太阳变成一团昏黄。
- Rude jokes don't go down too well with the vicar. 教区牧师对粗鄙的笑话颇不以为然.
- A fire is comparable with the sun; both give light and heat. 火可以和太阳相比,两者均可放出光和热。
- How did his speech go down with the audience? 他的讲话在听众中反应怎样?
- You cannot look at the sun with the naked eye. 你不能用肉眼直接观察太阳。
- A bat might see that, with the sun shining. 一只蝙蝠在太阳光底下也可能看得见。
- Her speech went down well with the audience. 她的演讲受到听众的欢迎。
- The moon is in opposition with the sun. 月亮在望点。
- The play went down very well with the audience. 这戏很受观众欢迎。
- She went down well with the newspaper too. 她和报界相处得很好。
- A fire is comparable with the sun. 火可以和太阳相比。
- To be up with the sun and gone before breakfast. 随太阳升起起床,在早餐前走。
- The earth is smaller compared with the sun! 地球和太阳比显得很小!
- And how about some Shaoxing wine to go down with the food? 再来点绍兴酒下饭怎么样?
- And the rocks melt with the sun. 直到太阳消融山石。
- John gets up with the sun and his wife goes to bed with the sun. 约翰日出起床,他老婆日落就寝。
- Go down to the lost and found with the rest of them. 去失物招领处找找。