- With devotion or zeal. 充满激情或热心的
- He has inspirited extremes of devotion or opposition in most of the many books and articles written about him. 在许多关于他的文章与著作中,人们或对他拥护、赞同,或是激烈地反对他的思想和理论。
- Something, such as a belief or an institution, that elicits blind and destructive devotion or to which people are ruthlessly sacrificed. 使人盲目牺牲(或崇拜)的事物使人们产生盲目而具毁灭性的热情或者无情地使人们为之牺牲的东西,如某种信仰或习俗制度
- Devotion or adherence to fact. 现实主义信奉事实或坚持立足于事实
- To stay alert as a devotional or religious exercise; keep vigil. 守夜作为礼拜或宗教仪式而守夜;保持警戒
- He says you have to be devoted or you'll be kicked out! 他说你必须全力以赴,否则你将会被解雇。
- To stay alert as a devotional or religious exercise;keep vigil. 守夜作为礼拜或宗教仪式而守夜;保持警戒
- He returned her love and devotion with usury. 他给她的爱恋和忠诚以加倍地回报。
- Comrade Leifeng set a good example to us with devoting himself to serve masses. 雷锋同志把他的一切献给人民,给我们大家树立了一个好榜样。
- It hath great power against poverty, if thou considerest it with devotion, repeating the versicle. 这有着巨大的力量对抗贫困,如果你带着奉献考虑它,复诵短诗。
- Again, there are people who, even after having seen God, chant His name with devotion and sing His glories. 此外,还有一些人就是看见了神之后,会用虔诚的心唱颂他的圣名,歌颂他的荣耀。”
- White flowers and bel-leaves and a little Ganges water offered with devotion are enough to satisfy the benign Deity and win from Him the boon of liberation. 白色的花和贝叶片,还有供给奉献者的少许恒河水,就足够满足仁慈的神,从神那里赢得了解脱的恩赐。
- Learning this, she threw herself into her studies with great zeal. 听了这情况,她就怀着极大热情投人学习。
- Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat. 给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。
- Why not? Because this lamp was offered with devotion, and with purity of heart and mind. And that motivation has made it of tremendous benefit. 为什么呢?因为这盏灯是以无比的恭敬心和清净心所供养的,这个出发点使它产生无量的功德。
- He burned with zeal for the cause of revolution and anger against its enemies. 他对革命事业充满热情,对敌人则充满义愤。
- Qu Yuan's poetic works are filled with devotion to his native State of Chu, and are enlivened with references to ancient myths. 他的作品表现了他对楚国的深切怀念和为理想而献身的精神,语言优美,想象奇特,融合大量古代神话传说,富有浪漫主义色彩。
- Religious ardor or zeal;piety. 虔诚宗教热情;虔诚
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- Yufeng Industry survives through good quality, win market with honesty, and build up good brand reputation of “Yuda” with devotion. 玉丰实业以质量谋求发展,以诚信服务市场,精心铸就“玉达”品牌。