- The wine loosed his tongue. 酒把他的话匣子给打开了。
- Wine loosed his tongue. 酒后他说话随便起来。
- Tell him to put a bridle on his tongue. 告诉他说话要谨慎。
- That impudent boy put his tongue out at me. 那个无礼的男孩冲著我吐舌头。
- The doctor told the boy to put out his tongue. 医生告诉男孩把舌头伸出来。
- He was saying that with his tongue in his cheek. 他只不过是虚情假意说说罢了。
- He burned his tongue with red pepper. 他的舌头被红辣椒辣得好难受。
- The fellow kept babbling away and would not hold his tongue. 那个家伙唠唠叨叨地讲个不停,不肯住嘴。
- As soon as he made the remark, he could have bitten his tongue off. 他刚说了那句话,就立即后悔不该那样讲。
- Wine loosed Tom's tongue. 喝了酒,汤姆就滔滔不绝地谈开了。
- With one lap of his tongue the bear finished the honey. 那熊用舌头一舔就把蜜吃光了。
- He loosed his eagle, which flew back and forth above the reeds. 他放出鹰,鹰就在芦苇地上空盘旋。
- His annoyance had unbridled his tongue. 他的烦恼使他打开了话匣子。
- He thinks it best to hold his tongue. 他认为最好还是保持缄默。
- He should put a bridle on his tongue. 他应该管住自己的嘴。
- They often find him drinking till his tongue trips. 他们常看到他喝酒喝到言语不清。
- His tongue was stung by hot food. 他的舌头被辛辣食品辣得火烧火燎的。
- He is saying that with his tongue in his cheek. 他只不过是虚情假意说说罢了。
- He never criticized his boss because he was afraid of loosing his job. 他从不批评他的老板,因为他怕丢掉工作。
- He probed her pinna with his tongue. 他用舌尖探了探她的耳廓。