- Nowak G, Ungerstedt J,Wernerman J,et al. 管文贤,窦科峰,李开宗,等.
- Disconnect retractor wire harness connector. 断开皮带卷收器线束接头。
- A weighted retractor is in the vaginal cavity. **内有一个加了重量的牵引器。
- Experimental application of auxometric nerve root retractor. 体感诱发电位;
- As Nowak's frisky quarry Lou Ann, Peters easily nabs her leading man's heart. 彼德斯饰演活泼可爱的罗伊轻而易举地俘虏纽瓦克的心;
- Nowak believes he may be forced to fly back to South Africa on Thursday. 诺瓦克认为他有可能被勒令周四飞回南非。
- Each retractor is to be checked through quality department as it finished. 每个总成完成,质量部门都要对该总成进行检验。
- Members of the U.S. space agency, NASA, traveled to the courthouse in Orlando to make sure astronaut Nowak was safe. 美国空间站国家航空和宇宙航行局的成员来到奥兰多法院确保宇航员诺瓦克的安全。
- Baumol,W. J., J. C. Panzar and R. D. Willig, Contestable Market and the Theory of Industry Structure[M]. Harcourt Brace Jovanich, 1982. 赵红军黄烨青.;中国民营企业的融资问题[J]
- Nowak told the BBC Tuesday that Beijing has acknowledged the widespread abuse of prisoners in the nation's jails. 诺瓦克星期二对英国广播公司(BBC)记者说,北京承认中国监狱普遍存在虐待犯人的情况。
- Holig h cocp of “cusomr firs, ra popl wih goo faih”, h compay is willig o srv for vry w a ol cusomr, o promo ach ohr a o vlop oghr. 为了立足西北市场,方便快捷的为西北市场客户服务,公司研究决定在西安成立分公司,欢迎新老客户,qig Hogli Projc Machi Co.
- This guest post was submitted by Justin Nowak, who has been in a sales and sales management for over six years. 如今,随着市场竞争的日益激烈,销售变得越来越难。但是还是有许多方法可以让你在激烈的竞争中占据优势。
- They say Nowak asked Shipman for a ride in her car, and when she refused, Nowak shot pepper spray into Shipman's face. 他们说诺瓦克命令希普曼驾车,当她拒绝时,诺瓦克就用胡椒粉喷雾喷她的脸。
- Ibid, Manfred Nowak, U. N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights CCPR Commentary, pp. 500, 504. 关于少数人权利的消极特征,参见本文第一部分“少数人权利的内容”。
- MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Ratio of dragging force and nerve root retractor force;SSEP P1 latency. 主要观察指标:牵拉力与神经根牵拉比率、体感诱发电位P1波潜伏期的关系。
- It will include two choices by MLS commissioner Don Garber with the remaining five selected by Nowak. 他会让MLS委员唐-加比尔选择5个替补球员中的两个。
- After exposing the cervical spine the self retaining retractor is placed to provide optimal visualization. 垫起颈后部,以确定和保持正常的颈的生理弯曲。
- Baumol, William J., Panzar, John C., and Willig, Robert D. Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure, Revised Edition, San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988. 威廉姆森:;中译本;商务印书馆;2002年版.
- Lisa Nowak's attorney claims she struggled with obsessive-compulsive disorder, insomnia and marital separation. 她的律师声称她正被强迫症,失眠症和离婚所困扰。
- This paper reports a new circular retractor for anal, rectal, vaginal and urethral surgeries. 制作一种用于肛管直肠、阴道、尿道手术的环形牵开器。