- William the Conqueror, ie King William I of England. 征服者威廉(英国国王威廉一世)。
- William the Conqueror,ie King William I of England 征服者威廉(英国国王威廉一世)
- William the Conqueror, King of England, dies. 英国国王征服者威廉死了。
- William the Conqueror(= King William I of England) 征服者威廉(英国国王威廉一世)
- The general handed over to the conqueror. 将军向胜利者办理了移交手续。
- They rendered tribute to the conqueror. 他们向征服者纳贡。
- The conqueror dictated terms to the surrender. 战胜者向俘虏提出条件。
- The conquered rendered tribute to the conqueror. 被征服者向征服者纳贡。
- Ah! It's OK now. Let's go and see William the Conqueror. 啊!好了。我们去见征服者威廉吧。
- William the Conqueror was the first Norman King of England. 征服者威廉是英格兰第一位诺曼人国王。
- He father claims to be able to trace the family back many centuries, to the time of the Conqueror. 他父亲声称他的家族系谱可追溯到好几个世纪以前的诺曼底入侵时代。
- William the Conqueror became King of England in 1066. 译文;征服者威廉1066年成了英格兰国王。
- The enemy overran the conquered country. 敌人蹂躏那个被征服的国家。
- William I was crowned king of England, formally completing the Norman Conquest. 威廉一世登基英国国王,正式完成了伟大的诺曼征服。
- "The Vikings Built ships with high Bows and a projecting stem Bearing a menacing figurehead, similar to the ships of William I the Conqueror as seen in the Bayeux Tapestry." 维京人建造的船只,其船首较高,伸出的船首有着吓人的装饰物,与拜约挂毯上所见到征服者威廉一世的船只类似。
- The conqueror governed his new subjects with an iron scepter. 征服者以铁腕统治其新臣民。
- King William I the Conqueror 威廉一世
- The conqueror passed over the bodies into the city. 得胜的军队跨过死者尸首向城市进军。
- William I, the Conqueror 征服者威廉一世
- The conqueror dictated the surrender terms. 占领者提出投降的条件。