- Will other countries? 其他国家呢?
- Secretary Gates says NATO allies will be consulted, as will other countries including Pakistan and Afghanistan itself, as a high-level White House team works on strategy options for the president. 盖茨说,白宫高层官员正在为奥巴马总统拟定各种战略选择。他说,美国会与北约盟友,以及巴基斯坦和阿富汗等其它国家进行磋商。
- If a war broke out, many other countries will be affected. 一旦战争爆发,许多国家都要受到波及。
- China exports to many other countries regions. 中国向许多其它国家和地区出口货物。
- Many of the students came from other countries. 学生中许多人来自其他国家。
- Other countries may,but I don't believe China will. 别国可能会变,但我认为中国不会的。
- Many famous ping pang players have defected to other countries. 许多有名的乒乓球手都为他国效力了。
- Our foreign policy is to coexist with other countries. 我们的外交政策是和其它国家和平共处。
- How will other economies compete with China? 其他经济体如何与中国竞争?
- When will other colours be available? 什么时候你方可以提供其它颜色?
- This intervention in another nation's affairs has set a precedent which we hope other countries will not follow. 对别国事物的这种干涉开了一个先例,我们希望其他国家不要模仿。
- We will increase cultural exchanges with other countries. 加强国际文化交流。
- We must find out the customs of other countries, so that they will not think us ill mannered. 我们必须知道别的国家的习俗,免得他们会认为我们是没有礼貌的。
- If a war breaks out,many other countries will be affected. 一旦战争爆发, 许多国家都要受到波及。
- We are bound to prosper beyond other countries. 我们肯定要比其他国家更兴旺繁荣。
- Should this happen,other countries will certainly follow suit. 如果发生这样情况,别的国家一定会照样行事。
- If we impose import duties, other countries may retaliate against us. 我们若徵收进口税,别的国家就可能报复我们。
- If a war breaks out, many other countries will be affected. 一旦战争爆发,许多国家都要受到波及。
- Should this happen, other countries will certainly follow suit. 如果发生这样情况,别的国家一定会照样行事。
- The computers are driving into other countries. 电脑正在迅猛地进入其他国家。