- That terrible day will for ever be embedded in her memory. 那个可怕的日子将永远铭刻在她的记忆中。
- One selected by divine will for salvation. 被上帝选中灵魂得救的人
- So much struggle for meaning, for purpose. 为了手段和最终的目的,我们如此费力的挣扎。
- Do not take the will for the deed; get the deed. 切勿心领人家的口惠; 务求其实。
- She was not made for mean and shabby surroundings. 她天生受不了穷苦寒酸的日子。
- We will take the will for the deed. 我们心领了。
- It will for sure end up in shameful failure. 必将遭到可耻的失败。
- Change the exam and texts, methodology will for. 考试和教材都变了,教法也就变了。
- Your love and good will for to have. 回首欢爱,四顾茫茫。
- Selected by divine will for salvation. (神学)被挑选出来的蒙上帝挑选而灵魂永远得救的
- To select by divine will for salvation. (神学)被挑选出来上帝挑选某人使其灵魂得救
- Don't take the will for the deed; get the deed. 切勿心领人家的口惠,务求其实。
- His will for you is to worship and serve Him. 上帝的旨意很简单,就是要我们敬拜他,事奉他。
- He watches every penny he spends, which gives him a reputation for meanness. 他每花一分钟都要考虑再三,这使他获得“吝啬”的名声。
- The businessman is a proverb for meanness. 那个商人因行为卑鄙而恶名远扬。
- But the search for meaning had a dignity that transcended all of the flaws. 但是寻找理性的行为本身就拥有一种尊严,超越文字的一切缺失。
- The search for meaning and identity can be so traumatizing sometimes. 老实说,我并不鼓励村上的朋友们把自己投射到故事情境中。
- A man once bitten by a snake will for ten years shy at a rope. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳。
- Listen for meanings of words you have uderlined. 仔细听你做了记号的生词的意思。
- That terrible day will for ever be embeddedin her memory. 那个可怕的日子将永远铭刻在她的记忆中。