- Wild vegetable plant 野菜植物
- Steep it with medlar into wild vegetable sauce. 枸杞浸泡于野菜煮汁内,放入炸好的丝瓜,备用。
- Study on Technique of Plant Tissue Culture of Wild Vegetable Artemisia dracunculus L. 野生蔬菜龙蒿的组织培养技术研究。
- Portulaca oleracea L was a very valuable source of wild vegetable. 摘要马齿苋是一种珍贵的野生蔬菜资源。
- Pote Special Vegetable Planting Co., Ltd. 坡特特菜种植有限公司。
- Those wild vegetables are good to eat. 那些野菜可供食用
- Main Products: Groundnut, White Pumpkin Seed, Sunflower Seed, Pinenut,Walnut, Kidney Bean,Wild Vegetable and so on. 经营项目:花生、白瓜子、绿茶瓜子、葵花子、松子、核桃、芸豆、山野菜类等一系列产品。
- A vegetable plant(Brassica rapa) related to the turnip and grown for its pungent leafy shoots. 芜菁:一种与萝卜有亲缘关系的蔬菜(芜菁芸苔属),因其有刺鼻气味的多叶嫩芽而种植
- VI.Construction Description: Set up a dehydration, stoving and refinery processing line for the wild vegetable. 五、建设规模和主要内容:建设野菜系列产品的脱水、烘干、精加工生产线一条。
- Portulaca oleracea is a kind of medicine-food wild vegetable,and it has various nutrition and health functions. 马齿苋是一种药食两用的野生蔬菜,具有丰富的营养和保健作用。
- She dug wild vegetables and picked over cinders to help out. 她挖野菜,捡煤核,来帮助家里。
- Portulaca oleracea is a kind of wild vegetable having various nutritions and health functions. 马齿苋是一种具有药食两用的野生蔬菜,具有丰富的营养和保健作用。
- In those days we often went to dig for wild vegetables. 那时候我们常常出去挖野菜。
- Smilacina atropurpurea is a mass consumption wild vegetable in Zhongdian area, Yunnan province. 竹叶菜(高大鹿药 Smilacina atropur purea)为中甸一种大宗野生蔬菜。
- As a kind of wild vegetable resource, Pugionium cornutum (L.) Gcertn have rich nutrition ingredients and high medicinal value. 沙芥作为一种野生植物资源,含有丰富的营养成分及较高的药用价值。
- Edible wild vegetable resources Osmunda, Pteridium aquilinum, Ciwujia, etc. more than 80 species of annual production of 7500 tons. 可食性山野菜资源有薇菜、蕨菜、刺五加等80余种,年产量达7500吨。
- BJ-CABBAGIS consists of three subsystems, namely, societal and natural information subsystem, vegetable production information subsystem, and vegetable plant protection information subsystem. BJ-CABBAGIS由三个子系统构成,即社会自然信息子系统、蔬菜生产信息子系统和蔬菜植保信息子系统。
- Be good to eat Those wild vegetables are good to eat. 可吃,可供食用。
- The deer mainly browse on wild vegetation not crops. 鹿主要吃野生植物,而不是吃庄稼。
- They also taught the Pilgrims which of the wild vegetation was sage to eat . 他们还教清教徒们哪些野菜可以吃。