- Why is hemo so bad? 为什么出血这么糟糕?
- Why is the sound so bad in this theater? 这演奏会场的音响为什么这样差劲?
- E: Why is it that you are so good at mathematics but so bad at physics? 为什么你数学那么好,物理却那么差?
- Why is it so bad to use a particular representation as specification? 为什么采用一个特别的表示法作为规格是相当糟糕的?
- Why is the copy so bad? 为什么复印出来的这么糟糕?
- The famine is so bad, aid can only scratch the surface. 饥荒十分严重,援助也只是杯水车薪。
- Frankly speaking, he is not so bad as you might think. 坦白讲,他没有你想像中的坏。
- Why is it that we should be afraid of him? 我们为什么要怕他呢?
- Why is Mr. Clinton so tired? Do you have any idea? 为什么克林顿先生这么疲倦?你知道原因吗?
- Why is the chimney smoking so much? 为什么这烟筒冒这么多烟?
- Why is it that I always land up cleaning the bath? 为什麽总是该我来洗刷浴缸?
- Cheer up! Things are not so bad as they seem. 振作起来!情况并不象看上去那样糟。
- Why is it that he rarely mentions his childhood? 他为什么很少提到他的儿童时代呢?
- I feel so bad about not being able to help you. 没能帮助你,我感到惭愧。
- Why is this basic woman so valuable to the man? 为什么这个基本的女人对男人如此重要?
- Oh, come on. He is not so bad actually. 哦,得了吧。他实际上并不那么糟。
- Why is this tall old man so arrogant? 这个长脚老头凭什么自以为了不起?
- It is true that he stole the bicycle, but he is not so bad as you might think. 他偷脚踏车是事实,但他并不像你所想的那样坏。
- Why is the letter “D” like a bad boy? 为什么字母D像一个坏男孩?
- Why is America so uptight about drinking? 为什么美国人对饮酒如此焦虑?