- Whither are we wandering? 我们要逛到哪里去?
- Ninghua, Qingliu, Guihua -- What narrow paths, deep woods and slippery moss! Whither are we bound to... 宁化、清流、归化,路隘林深苔滑。今日向何方,直指武夷山下。山上山下,风展红旗如画。
- Are we going in the right direction? 我们走的方向对吗?
- Whither are we drifting? 我们漂往何处?
- Jane: What are we going to use for bait? 珍妮:我们用什么当饵?
- Colin, what are we going to do tonight? 科林,我们今天晚上干嘛?
- Are we in agreement about the price? 我们对价格的意见一致吗?
- What are we going to do with the problem? 我们将怎样来处理这个问题呢?
- How long are we going to stay cooped up in here? 我们要在这儿关多久?
- Are we all agreed on the best course of action? 我们是否都一致同意这一最佳措施?
- Talking of Debbie's party, how are we going to get there? 谈到戴比家的聚会,我们打算怎么去那儿?
- Let's get the shopping over with. Are we over with all this shopping? 让我们购完物品。我们购到需要的物品了吗?
- Are we permitted to sit in the front of the hall? 允许我们坐在大厅的前部吗?
- Are we to have the pleasure of seeing you again? 我们是不是有福气再见到你?
- Are we doing enough in that area? 我们在这些地区做得够了吗?
- What are we going to use for bait? 我们用什么当饵?
- Are we going to sit in the circle or in the stalls? 我们是坐楼厅还是正厅前排?
- Are we to write in ink or in pencil? 我们该用钢笔写还是用铅笔写?
- Be we all agree on the best course of action. 我们是否都一致同意这一最佳措施。
- Are we obliged to pay for the rent? 我们一定要付租金吗?