- When god says no II. 当上帝说不的时候2。
- We may miss the protection of an earthly monarch, but when God says, "I will keep thee," we are in no real danger.This is a blessed passport for a traveler and a heavenly escort for an emigrant. 我们大可高枕无忧,因著祂有福的应许,我们就像旅客有了护照一般,我们这趟天路之旅,必有上帝一路看顾。
- Passover refers back to when God said to Moses about the last of the Ten Plagues. 逾越节可追溯回到上帝对摩西说十大灾难的最后一个时。
- Get out of there.If I wanna say no, I'II say no! |出来,我想说不的时候就说不!
- I wouldn't say no to a cup of tea. 我是不会拒绝一杯茶的。
- He shook his head as if to say no. 他摇摇头好象在说不。
- Say no bilge water about the mater. 在这个问题上别说废话。
- He'll probably say no, though it's worth trying. 他很可能不同意,但不妨去试探一下。
- For God's sake,say no more of his partners. 天哪,不要提他那些舞伴了吧。
- Smile when you say yes; be clear when you say no. 答应请求时面带微笑,说不的时候清晰肯定。
- The time came when God put Abraham to the test. 到了上帝要考验亚伯拉罕的时候了。
- I tried with all my might to will him to say no. 我竭尽全力想使他说不。
- In any event, the worst that she can do is say no'. 不管怎样,她大不了就是说个`不'字。
- Religion will be one when God is dead. 神死了的时候,宗教便将合而为一。
- YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN GOD WILL SEND YOU AN ANGEL. 你永远不会知道上帝会在什么时候给你派来一个天使。
- When you say no, I mean it is yes. 记得你说
- When God closes a door, he always opens a window. 当上帝关上一扇门时他会为你留一扇窗。
- When God closes the door, he will open a window! 当上帝关上门的时候,他会给你留一扇窗!
- I dare say he wouldn't say no to a brandy. I want one too. 我想他是会乐意接受一杯白兰地的,我也想来一杯。
- That when God's people has difficult times. 当神的百姓有困难的时候。