- Stephanie: Now you're thinking. What else can we do? 斯蒂芬妮:这就对了,我们还可以做点什么?
- What else can we do other than finding excuses to explain things away? 然而除了自圆其说、找个下台借口,我们还能做些什么?
- If a chemical fibre factory cannot go into operation for lack of certain chemical raw materials,what else can we do but import them? 如化纤厂搞起来了,缺少某些化工原料就不能生产,不进口怎么行?
- England always go again. What else can we do? You can't give in and say'that's it, we are going to stop playing football'. 英格兰总会重新开始。我们还能怎样?你不能说‘好的,我们不再踢球了。
- If a chemical fibre factory cannot go into operation for lack of certain chemical raw materials, what else can we do but import them? 如化纤厂搞起来了,缺少某些化工原料就不能生产,不进口怎么行?
- It got very bad reviews. The newspaper story said it was the worst play of the year. You don't want to go there. What else can we do? 它劣评如潮。报纸说那是今年最差的戏剧。你不会想去的。我们还可以做什么呢?
- What else can we do? 我们还能做些什么别的?
- I don't see any support from the unit. No extra payment for extra working hours, what else can we expect? 我看这个单位没什么靠头儿,加班都不发加班费,还能指望什么?
- Paslm139:1-16 What else can we learn about God from this psalm( song)? What can I learn about myself? 诗篇139:1-16我们在此诗篇中还能知道上帝什么?我们可以了解到自己什么?
- And it always works because where else can we run and what else can we use to deal with the world as it is? 刚刚说的这些方法可是屡试不爽,否则我们还有其他的地方可以躲藏吗?或是还有其他什么方法可以用来处理这世界上的事吗?
- What else can we say? This is of course useful: no stupid auto-start when you forget to take your UMD out of the UMD drive. Great. 我们还能说什么?这是个非常使用的功能:当你不记得取出UMD时,开机不会自动运行。
- Ifyoulove someone but can't get together with him or her, expect treasure a drop of tear fromyour inner heart and go away without a word, what else can we choose? 如果爱一个人而无法在一起,除了珍藏那一滴心底的泪,无言地走远,我们又能有什么选择呢?
- What can we do to prevent the disease spreading? 我们能做什么来防止这种疾病蔓延呢?
- What can we do with the bituminous coal? 这些烟煤可以用来做什么?
- What else can I do for you ,Ma'am ? 女士,还有其他什么事吗?
- What can we do to lessen her vexation? 我们做些什么才能减轻她的烦恼呢?
- What else can aspects do for you? 方面还可以为您做什么?
- What else can I do, besides avenge you? (除了为你报仇,我还能做什麽?)
- He said, "what else can you do babe? 他说:“你还能做什么?没办法,亲爱的
- What Else Do We Do With Information We Obtain? 对取得的资料之其他用途?