- What was important was to get him into the dressing room for a proper examination. But once he was inside he started to deteriorate, and quickly. 送往医疗室进行及时的进行检查太重要了。当进入医疗室后,他的情况迅速恶化。
- It noted that what was important was not who was carrying the baton, but rather that the baton continued to be carried and carried forward. 该代表团指出,重要的不在于谁拿到接力棒,而是接力棒一直不脱手,一直向前传递。
- What was important was a quick resumption of negotiations, said Hu. He added that Chinawould continue to play a constructive role in resolving the issue through peaceful means. 他说,重要的是尽快重新开始谈判。他补充道,中国将继续通过和平手段为解决此问题作出建设性贡献。当务之急是争取尽快复谈。中方将继续为和平解决伊朗核问题发挥建设性作用。
- But, however, all of this had nothing to do with us, what was important was that the cruelties and bloodiness of the war was absent and instead there was peace and quiet. 但是不管怎样,所有这些都与我们无关了,重要的是那些残忍残酷的战争已经不在,代替它们的是和平和安宁。
- He said people had completely lost sight of what was important. 他说那些人已经完全看不到什么才是重要的。
- What are important considerations in planning weekly meeting? 计划每周例会时有什麽重要的考虑?
- As to present, we agreed it should not be very expensive and what was more important was its commemorative meaning! 对于礼物,大家一致认为不必有多昂贵,关键是它的纪念意义。
- What be important be 重要的是
- The goods to be imported are subject to a legal inspection. 这些进口货物必须经过法定检验。
- It was important to make the connection between what was done there and its impact in the real world, in economic, social and cultural terms. 必须将目前的工作同它在现实世界中经济、社会以及文化方面的影响联系起来。
- The Delegation pointed out that it was important for the Committee to clearly keep in mind what were the objectives of the meeting. 该代表团指出对委员会来说重要的是清楚地记住什么是会议的目标。
- The Delegation thought it was important to get an idea of when, how and what was going to be done to finalize consideration of those proposals. 该代表团认为,必须了解什么时候以及通过何种手段和方式最后完成审议这些提案。
- It added that what was important for the Delegation was for it to ensure that the work continued in the future ad progresses. 它接着说,对该代表团来说,重要的是要确保今后的工作得以继续并取得进展。
- The files you are importing are not valid certificate files. 您正在导入的文件不是有效的证书文件。
- Time said its "Person of the Year" selection was the "person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year. 周刊还称,“年度人物”评选的是当年“极大影响媒体和人们生活(无论好坏),以及能体现年度大事的个人或团体”。
- As other events intervene,details that might be important are likely to be lost,remembered incorrectly,or filled in with logical inferences on the basis of what the person thinks must have happened or should have happened. 由于其他事件的干扰,一些可能是很重要的细节就很容易被忘记或记错,而使人完全陷入仅依据人主观想像的逻辑推断。
- As other events intervene, details that might be important are likely to be lost, remembered incorrectly, or filled in with logical inferences on the basis of what the person thinks must have happened or should have happened. 由于其他事件的干扰,一些可能是很重要的细节就很容易被忘记或记错,而使人完全陷入仅依据人主观想像的逻辑推断。
- What was important most was that he gave a piece of Hang Zhou silk to an American athlete Kern, triggering the greatest diplomatic event in the 20th century. That is the "Table Tennis Diplomacy" afterwards. 庄则栋不仅当过最年轻的部长,更主要的是因为他在日本送给美国运动员科恩的一块杭州丝绸,引发了20世纪最伟大的一场外交大事。
- What was the real reason for your absence? 你缺席的真正原因是什么?
- The miscellaneous expenses of import are so much! 进口货物的杂费太多了!