- Weston molding sand process 韦斯顿树脂砂型造型法
- Describes some results of using rectorite for molding sand and mold coating. 介绍了用累托石粘土作型砂粘结剂和水基涂料悬浮剂的试验结果。
- Out of demand on developing market for high-quality mullite molding sand products, the tests on calcination of Huaibei coal-series hard kaolinite rock are done based on the process mineralogy study. 我国煤系硬质高岭岩资源丰富,出于开发高档精密铸造用莫来石型砂产品市场的需要,在工艺矿物学研究的基础上进行了淮北煤系硬质高岭岩煅烧试验研究。
- And the effects of bentonite percentage and compactibility on elastic modulus of molding sand were experimentally st... 试验研究了膨润土含量和紧实率对型砂弹性模量值的影响。
- The resista nce decreases intensely when the slenderness ratio of the hot molding sand layer increases. 阻力随干砂层长细比的增加而急剧减小。
- It for consolidating molding sand, such as resin bonded sand, as well as tamping sand, such as clay sand or self hardening sand. 本机主要用于树脂砂造型时型砂的振实,也可用于粘土砂造型或自硬砂造型实砂型的振。
- Such a testing method is of practical sense in realization of molding sand testing and foundry production management and casting quality control. 该测试方法的应用对实现型砂性能检测、铸造生产管理和铸件质量控制具有现实意义。
- Fluid sand process has found application in the production of large and steel castings. 流态砂法已用于生产大型钢铁铸件。
- This machine is used for mixing and puddling powdery materials,such as fly ash,refrectory cement, molding sand, slag, gangue and building garbage,etc. 本机适合混合搅拌粉状物料。如:粉煤灰、耐火泥、型砂、炉渣、尾矿、建筑垃圾等。
- Fluid sand process has found applicationin the productionof large iron and steel castings. 流态砂法已经用来生产大型钢铁铸件。
- The coal dust is the main mold sand additive to prevent penetration/burn-in and improve the surface fineness. 煤粉是防止粘砂和改善表面光洁度的主要型砂加入物。
- The complete sets of equipment for preparing Clay-bonded Sand Selfuardening Sand and Sodium Silicate-bonded Sand and hot sand reclamation of Precoated Sand and rosin molding Sand. 铸造粘土砂、树脂砂、水玻璃砂处理成套设备及热法覆膜砂和树脂砂热法再生成套设备。
- The forsterite ore deposit in Yichang of Hubei Province, being one of the limited large ore deposits across the Mainland China, is used to produce molding sand. 宜昌镁橄榄石矿,是我国为数不多的大型矿床之一,用其矿石生产的镁橄缆石型砂。
- Application: Dewaxing casting shell remove, highly hard metal sand process, rubber cover preprocess, casting black skin remove, stone, glass 3D carving and etc. 用途:脱蜡铸造壳之去除;高硬度金属砂加工;橡胶被覆前处理;铸造品黑皮去除;石材.;玻璃之立体雕刻等。
- The practical molding sand analyses method were introduced.As regards the effective clay, carbonization matter, fused matter, quartz and matel constituent and moisture. 介绍了对有效粘土、碳素物、溶凝质、金属分、石英及水分的型砂组分分析方法,并推荐了型砂纯净度的计算方法。
- The results show that, when burying the box, the mould is standed and the molding sand is joined in batches in EPC casting, it can avoid effectively the deformation of the mould. 结果表明,在消失模铸造中,埋箱时将模样立放且分批加入干型砂,能有效地避免平板衬模样在埋箱过程中变形;
- For thermally reclaimed molding sand due to its low angularity and improved shape, more, larger area and stronger bonding-bridges are easily formed among sand grains. 热再生砂的角形系数降低,粒形得到了改善,砂粒之间更易形成较多、较大的粘结桥;
- Further,thixotropy and stress-relaxalion were observed during deformation of bentonite filmand the degree of their effect on the compaction of molding sand were estimated. 同时观察到,在其变形过程中有应力松弛及触变现象。文中讨论了它们在型砂紧实过程中可能起作用的程度。
- Machine tool castings, pump castings and other castings with high quality produced by No-bake sand process; gray iron castings, nodular iron castings, non-ferrous alloy castings and Ferro-silicon alloy. 主要是以树脂砂工艺生产出的优质机床类,泵类等铸件、灰铁铸件、球铁铸件和有色合金铸件及硅铁合金。
- Main products are gray cast iron, ductile cast iron, carbon cast steel for construction machinery and high-load automobile with the no-bake resin sand process, such as axle housing, gearbox housing, hub, carrier etc. 本公司主要采用生产无箱树脂砂工艺生产工程机械、重型汽车用的铸钢件、铸铁件、球墨铸铁件、如桥壳、变速箱、轮毂、托架等铸件。